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Yanixi created a topic of Selena

I’m really gonna need them to explain those scenes with the lover cuz while they may have been under the sheets we didn’t see them really do any smut stuff but the fl and ml we will probably see them do smut stuff or at least enough to say and verify that they did the deed uk what I mean. Hence how she can be a virgin and not know what it is or at least the author can frame it that way in theory to the readers and ppl just won’t know unless it’s just outright said. Kinda like in horror movies when a character dies off camera but u don’t really know if that person is dead cuz they died off camera and that person always comes back, idk if I explained that well(⊙…⊙ ). I also think maybe the plot changed at some point possibly just so they have scenes like the elevator one ngl that was spicy (≧∀≦) imma be honest idk if anyone will understand what I mean xD I may just be talking nonsense ignore me Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)