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Yanixi created a topic of Princess Shuden

I honestly don’t even think what the red head girl said was that bad I get what mom is trying to do but locking her away/ sending her away for weeks obviously isn’t working. Especially just for fl cuz u made promises to fl like listen to ur daughter a bit more, mom didn’t even wanna hear the story about how she got the invite. Also she basically said I came in place in of my mother cuz she wasn’t feeling up to it oki, red head girl wasn’t causing no trouble, wasn’t even speaking till fl pointed her out then she said one syllable and everyone else decided they needed to talk over her. And fl really sent someone to snitch to her mama
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I don’t think she’s that bad she’s a lil brat yea but like as far as villainess goes no if that’s what they are trying to paint her as. I’d be more worried about the brother