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soffel June 11, 2024 1:49 pm

I have a few thoughts after reading the chapter and topics:
1. I wouldn't call what he did stalking. Was he being a creep for rushing to follow her? Yes. But it's not like he went out of his way to follow her home, see where she lives and then watch her (which is what stalking is).
He just noticed they took the same way home anyway so he made sure to go home at the same time so they could walk part of the way "together"
2. Why do people have no problem recognizing that the FL wouldn't have done what she did if she wasn't in heat but can't see how it's the same for the ML?
No he wasn't "more sober" he literally had to bite his arm to pieces to control himself enough to get away from her. He told HER to run away because he also couldn't stand up and loose focus.
And it's also not clear if he even lost control and attacked her after she started begging him, considering she is the one on top of him, doing all the moving it makes way more sense to conclude that she was also the one who put it in.
So there is no point in arguing SHE raped HIM.
3. Now would the whole situation not have happened if he didn't follow her in the first place? Well probably not. But that doesn't make the whole thing an evil act that he committed. It was simply an accident.
He didn't know she was on omega and in heat. He actually wanted to help her because he thought she would collapse.
They are both victims of the situation, they both weren't in their right mind and wouldn't have done what they did under normal circumstances.
4. Oh and also two things can be true at the same time. He can be a creep who purposely walks behind someone everyday to look at them and still be a victim of rape.

    Nuu June 11, 2024 4:30 pm

    Exactly and in present day, she kinda did the same thing to him but with more intent behind using her heat
    On a side note, knowing all this, why would he threaten her about taking her kid?

    soffel June 11, 2024 5:37 pm
    Exactly and in present day, she kinda did the same thing to him but with more intent behind using her heatOn a side note, knowing all this, why would he threaten her about taking her kid? Nuu

    No clue. The way he's acting in the present makes no sense to me O.o

soffel July 7, 2021 11:54 am

This is the first time I really don't care who the MC ends up with because I honestly like both of them.
Cain is someone I would like in real life as well and yawhi is the kind of character I like in fiction. Say what you want but I love me a toxic ML once in a while (even tho I would HATE him in real life)

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