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P_P June 2, 2021 1:25 pm

I've glanced ahead at the raws and Violetta has to be the one of the dumbest FL in all manga history. It's literally infuriating - I know that characters are supposed to have flaws, but this webtoon seems to struggle between wanting to paint her as a strong FL and wanting her to be a complete helpless idiot, dependent on others for survival. Later on the webtoon does this weird 180 where she attains this really cold-blooded "kill anyone who threatens me" attitude, but this doesn't really seem to make her any more clever or developed as most of the people whose heads she blows off could have been avoided with having the intelligence to see the glaring warning signs in the first place.

Just one case: she gets poisoned because a random little girl offers her a candy at a party and she F-ING EATS IT!! Bitch, you have so many enemies that you can't even look to the right without seeing one, but sure, eat whatever any random stranger offers. This happens at the same party where a minute before she gets creepily threatened by the psycho 3rd queen. "Wow she's evil as fuck and clearly out to get me, but I'll just eat this candy offered to me by a random stranger". The fact that she survives is a miracle, and mostly due to luck and the ML.

    Uneventful June 3, 2021 4:42 am

    Omg. I can’t. Like cmon, you’re a high status lady with many envious eyes from others and someone offers you a piece of candy, would you take it? For me I would take it and throw it out the window.

P_P May 3, 2021 6:42 am

I know this is off the rails a bit, but I REALLY want Winter to be in Violet's body when his disgusting, creeper-ass "perfect" brother comes along to harass her again. Maybe that'll put a fire under his ass to see his family as the greedy, evil snots they are. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

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