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baabiction created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I'm reading this manhwa with english as my second language and I swear each bubble makes me feel like my first year learning it

baabiction created a topic of Sketch

Seme has the personality of a cardboard

Wait why is Fukami leaving after hearing things like that???? I SWEAR TO GOD

baabiction created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Why are they cute and happy I'm scared.........

baabiction created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Backstory? The audience is snoozing

baabiction created a topic of Night Fragments

Aryka sweetie you deserve better

baabiction created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Straight homophobic top falling first and falling harder at the same time? Sign me up!!!!

baabiction created a topic of Crucial Point

Yall that was such a basic humiliation/public scene the safe word was RIGHT THERE. I get that the MC doesn't know much but he's been so frustrating these last chapters, they discussed previously about the rules I don't know if it's a ME problem tho, but I thought BDSM isn't only about choking and spanking??? And I have to agree that "i love you" being the safe word was the dumbest idea ever

baabiction created a topic of Bloody Lies

Wow the art is so good in this chapter

baabiction created a topic of Gakuen Babysitters

The day this manga ends I will end as well.

baabiction created a topic of Nerd Project

Why am I flustered ehhehehehehehe

baabiction created a topic of ARTS MANZ

For the sake of my mental health and blood pressure I'm gonna let this marinate for a while

baabiction created a topic of Crucial Point

Finally a GREAT bdsm bl I've been waiting!!!!

He should've thrown the phone on that bastard face and then told his father to fuck himself and then message his man to give him the rings

baabiction created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

They say you're too much for me you're a liabilityyy