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The duke is so meh I don't even know how mc still tolerates his emo ass

baabiction created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It's the first day and your heart is already skipping a beat

Yeahhh called it! The duke is creepy man leave MC alone wtf

baabiction created a topic of Our Sunny Days
baabiction created a topic of Wet Sand

I also saw the raws and when I say I'm team Jo I'm not saying that I want him to end up with Ian because he deserves wayyy better. There are people that enjoy the sex scenes between Ian and Tj... I guess, but for me both of them are insufferable.

baabiction created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I'm the singlest single of single's planet.

baabiction created a topic of 19 Days
baabiction created a topic of Shutline


baabiction created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

Yana when I catch you Yana

For the first time in these type of love triangles I'm rooting for the crown prince instead of the mysterious black haired guy

baabiction created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung is a genuine asshole I'm impressed how unlikable the author made him lmao and what's up with the sudden watersports thingy in manhwa lately???

baabiction created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae is so expressive I love him

baabiction created a topic of Meteor Orbit

I think Taewon is the least attractive guy here

baabiction created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

Doll conveniently hid some minor details about what the circus were doing at the Phantomhive manor lmao

baabiction created a topic of The Path Of Star

I've been in the same situation and it hurts

baabiction created a topic of Honey Bear
baabiction created a topic of Honey Bear