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Namjoontiddies April 26, 2021 5:47 pm

What in the fucking Tennessee sibling shit is this.....

Namjoontiddies April 26, 2021 5:43 pm

Bet this man is gonna go to Matthew after the drug has hit... OMMMG I CANT WAAAIT !!!

Namjoontiddies's questions ( All 5 )

Namjoontiddies April 4, 2024 4:05 pm

okay i saw it on tiktok awhile ago and i thought it saved it but i didn’t :( so basically it showed a few pages of this red head women i believe ? and she was getting assigned to babysit this russian guys son…. and that’s all i got for yall PLEASE HELP ME it was fairly new too so

Namjoontiddies November 5, 2023 7:51 am

is it just me that gets annoyed when people bash the authors story just because they don’t like certain things ??? like okay we know the guy is a dick we literally knew from the beginning why are you gonna read it when at the end you’ll just comment you hate the story ?? don’t get me wrong i’ve read some where the guy is the biggest dick ever but shit i keep it myself cause the plot is so good. i just find it annoying i mean anyone else ?

    yuk November 5, 2023 7:55 am

    wjsjjddbdbdbbdbddnnddnjdjzy msnsbsjsjdjdjjsjdy;₱+3+₱+₱(,+;";₱!₱+₱(₱jwnsnsnsjdjdjdjhdbwbwbsjsudududydydhdhdhdhhdbxbdbd i just know u read jinx

    gros batard November 5, 2023 8:01 am

    nah i find them pretty funny LOL. because I haven’t really seen any comment bashing the actual author themselves, but the characters personalities, and thats always funny to me

    potato soup November 5, 2023 8:09 am

    its usually them bashing the character and not the actual author, no? and like theres a big difference between bashing and emotional critiquing (idk how best to explain). ones just plain angry and the other is when you want to critique smthn and its a matter that can stir up emotions. the bls where the mls actually do change i think give most people hope, but either way it is annoying that sooooooo many bls are of toxic relationships (its 1/2am (daylight savings) so im tised dunno if this makes sense basically like yelling a character for not communicating but instead theyre just being a dumbass)

    Min November 5, 2023 8:24 am
    wjsjjddbdbdbbdbddnnddnjdjzy msnsbsjsjdjdjjsjdy;₱+3+₱+₱(,+;";₱!₱+₱(₱jwnsnsnsjdjdjdjhdbwbwbsjsudududydydhdhdhdhhdbxbdbd i just know u read jinx yuk

    lmaooo jinx fans have one (1) defense ("stop reading it if you don't like it!!!") and dear god they're gonna use it for everything

    gros batard November 5, 2023 8:42 am
    lmaooo jinx fans have one (1) defense ("stop reading it if you don't like it!!!") and dear god they're gonna use it for everything Min

    hehe real

    Sadistic-Senpai November 5, 2023 8:56 am

    That’s coz these kinda readers are still babies. I bet they have never read out of comfort zone novels or diverse fictions that they get offended about lil things in manhwas/comics. I have found these kinda readers have difficult time differentiating reality from fiction. They should keep on reading their fluff if they can’t handle dark stuff.

    pigglypoof November 5, 2023 9:01 am

    I'm fine with people hating on a story. If I disagree, I'll argue. It shouldn't be that deep, but some people take it too far. Wishing harm on the author or other readers is too much. People need to chill out.

    Nobody November 5, 2023 9:36 am
    That’s coz these kinda readers are still babies. I bet they have never read out of comfort zone novels or diverse fictions that they get offended about lil things in manhwas/comics. I have found these kinda r... Sadistic-Senpai

    That is my theory in most of these out of control issues; that the ones making all the noise are not even supposed to be reading those stories.

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