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Mae143 July 22, 2021 1:56 am

I could’ve sworn he was a buff older guy and owned a club he looks so different

Mae143 July 17, 2021 9:13 am

Pls no don’t pretend to love him

    Nobody July 17, 2021 10:12 am

    I mean... why does he want to? I don't get it.

    Colin_Satoru July 17, 2021 12:32 pm

    maybe at first he'll pretend but in the later chapters he'll probably develop feelings and attachement to jihoon. and then jihoon knows the truth then break up then make up.

    i think that would be the road but i'm so open for unexpected twists and turns

    kalluuuto✿ July 17, 2021 1:22 pm
    I mean... why does he want to? I don't get it. Nobody

    the whole chapter was about why he does it are you that stupid- he has to so the cameraman doesn't Release the sex tape of them

    Nobody July 17, 2021 1:32 pm
    the whole chapter was about why he does it are you that stupid- he has to so the cameraman doesn't Release the sex tape of them kalluuuto✿

    No idiot. I'm saying why does he have to show he loves him while he can do that w/o it.ㅗ

    Colin_Satoru July 18, 2021 12:50 pm
    the whole chapter was about why he does it are you that stupid- he has to so the cameraman doesn't Release the sex tape of them kalluuuto✿

    let's all be friends here guys no telling stupid. hehe we are just raising our points and thoughts in this situation

Mae143 July 14, 2021 11:23 pm

This chapter made no sense

Mae143 July 13, 2021 4:03 am

Please just everyone talk to each other like chunwoo and taesoo could’ve been together if they would just talk to each other my god

Mae143 July 12, 2021 9:15 am


Mae143 July 12, 2021 5:06 am

This is a fucking mess blondie need to learn how to stand his ground and just say no. The other two need to learn how to listen to BOUNDARIES people are not fucking toys and everyone needs to stop threatening each other

    sorry , I'm Anti Romantic July 12, 2021 8:50 pm

    ohmygod i was literally getting heated up
    "JUST PUSH HIM OFF U , Y TF R U SO WEAK FOR HIM , he yelled at YOU
    learn some self respect honey damn"

Mae143 July 8, 2021 12:29 am

Gio is really starting to get on my nerves…. I don’t even think I like him anymore the shot he’s doing to Felix is honestly disgusting and I’m tired of it.

    Hanabi_04 July 8, 2021 12:44 am

    well put yourself on his shoes ... i also get frustrated but ,, its hard to cure a trauma .. especially if its abadonment ...beside he was also abused .. even when he had a new good family , gio still suffer a lot and he didnt want to be pitied ... having a very traumatic childhood , it was hard for him .. just saying

    AphroditeLotus July 8, 2021 12:46 am

    bestie no, y'all just understand what you want to understand, ur invalidating his traumas and keep on saying bullshit come on

    Hanabi_04 July 8, 2021 12:53 am
    bestie no, y'all just understand what you want to understand, ur invalidating his traumas and keep on saying bullshit come on AphroditeLotus

    i somehow understand it , like i was traumatise to when i was young .. and still right now its so hard to tell it to my family because they think i am just being a brat or thinking too much ..

    i also feel insecure a lot of times.

    Gio is like that ,, you can cure the trauma , if you didnt have the closure where it has started. His too much afraid , and he can't say things because no one seems to understand him yet .. although I know Felix will always be there for him and understand him , Gio is having a hard time facing it

    AphroditeLotus July 8, 2021 12:58 am
    i somehow understand it , like i was traumatise to when i was young .. and still right now its so hard to tell it to my family because they think i am just being a brat or thinking too much .. i also feel insec... Hanabi_04

    they're gaslighting traumas and that's a no no, he needs time to recover and have a courage to say what's in his mind, also i hope you'll be okay bestie, have a nice day ^^

    Hanabi_04 July 8, 2021 1:00 am
    they're gaslighting traumas and that's a no no, he needs time to recover and have a courage to say what's in his mind, also i hope you'll be okay bestie, have a nice day ^^ AphroditeLotus

    Yup Gio need time to recover .. Thanks

    Alternative_Account July 8, 2021 1:32 am

    I know, righttt?! Trauma is sooo disgusting. Like, wtf Gio? Get your act together and stop letting your trauma get to you! Geez, it's not like it's that deep.. Gio getting scared deeply and anxious because of his trauma is sooo overrated. Grow up, man. It's just a phaseee.

    AphroditeLotus July 8, 2021 2:17 am
    I know, righttt?! Trauma is sooo disgusting. Like, wtf Gio? Get your act together and stop letting your trauma get to you! Geez, it's not like it's that deep.. Gio getting scared deeply and anxious because of h... Alternative_Account

    bestie i love this

    Mae143 July 8, 2021 8:23 am
    I know, righttt?! Trauma is sooo disgusting. Like, wtf Gio? Get your act together and stop letting your trauma get to you! Geez, it's not like it's that deep.. Gio getting scared deeply and anxious because of h... Alternative_Account

    I’m not referring to his trauma at all tho all of you keep saying oh his trauma… but that’s not why I dislike him…. I don’t like that he just used his illness to overstep a boundary that Felix had already set and even when he saw that Felix was uncomfortable with it in that moment he continued to manipulate the situation in his favor. He does whatever he wants because he knows how much Felix cares about him and literally uses that against him. How could you continue doing something that makes your partner uncomfortable just because you know you can . He was being a dick… trauma isn’t disgusting using your trauma as an excuse to manipulate the one you love is. Trauma isn’t an excuse to disregard your partner’s discomfort. And this isn’t the only time he’s just shattered felix’s boundaries he does it multiple times through out the series even before the operation was suggested. His trauma is about abandonment and abuse so why would he use his illness to make Felix have sex with him under false pretenses… he literally said all I have to do is say I’m cold and he’ll give me what I want ….. BUT HE SHOULDNT BE DOING THAT… it’s not fair to Felix because he love gio and of course he doesn’t want him to be uncomfortable so he’ll be uncomfortable instead but Gio isn’t giving him the same energy he’ll make Felix uncomfortable just because HE CAN

    Mae143 July 8, 2021 8:33 am
    they're gaslighting traumas and that's a no no, he needs time to recover and have a courage to say what's in his mind, also i hope you'll be okay bestie, have a nice day ^^ AphroditeLotus

    I’m not gaslighting trauma…. My comment wasn’t referring to his insecurities and being scared of abandonment im mad that he’s constantly manipulating Felix because he knows he can. He literally thought “I can tell he’s conflicted about it but all I have to do is say im cold and he’ll do it” or something along those lines and then even tho he KNOWS Felix is uncomfortable with doing it at the office he continues to ask again making SURE he brings up his illness because he KNOWS Felix will give in if he does. That’s not okay it’s never okay to use your illness to manipulate others or guilt trip them into breaking boundaries set to keep them comfortable…. Why should Felix’s feelings and boundaries be disregarded because Gio feels like it that NOT FAIR. You’re not supposed to use your mental illness to get thing from people that they are comfortable with doing. He wasn’t even actually cold he was just trying to prove his point. But he’s been overstepping Boundaries set by Felix since the beginning even before the procedure was brought up your trauma, mental illness, and or physical illness IS NEVER AN EXCUSE TO MANIPULATE OTHERS

    Mae143 July 8, 2021 8:40 am
    well put yourself on his shoes ... i also get frustrated but ,, its hard to cure a trauma .. especially if its abadonment ...beside he was also abused .. even when he had a new good family , gio still suffer a ... Hanabi_04

    I can put myself in his shoes I understand why he doesn’t wanna get the procedure or talk about it with Felix. I understand his abandonment issues. What I think is disgusting is his disregard to respect boundaries and always finding a way to get around them no matter how many times Felix sets them. And this most recent chapter was just a bit much because he KNOWS Felix is uncomfortable doing it in the office so instead of asking and getting turned down because he KNOWS Felix doesn’t want to do it he manipulates him by using his illness as a weapon to get Felix to agree because he KNOWS Felix will do anything to keep him warm and comfortable…. So why can’t he respect felix’s boundaries he’s been over stepping boundaries since before the procedure was ever brought up so it’s not just trauma… he’s just finding ways to get whatever he wants. Mental/physical illness is not a weapon to be used to get what you want or to guilt trip or to manipulate situations in your favor that’s where my problem is with him. He’s allowed to be afraid to lose more people considering his past and his trauma but he’s not allowed to disregard other people’s feelings and boundaries because of it. He’s not obligated to talk about it but using your illness to get past a boundary just because you know you can is disgusting

    AphroditeLotus July 8, 2021 9:00 am
    I’m not gaslighting trauma…. My comment wasn’t referring to his insecurities and being scared of abandonment im mad that he’s constantly manipulating Felix because he knows he can. He literally thought ... Mae143

    are we even reading the same thing? wydm by his not actually cold that time? bestie even felix saw he's cold that time cause it's raining, yes you have a point but regardless of your paragraph bestie u said gio is disgusting and it's a big no no for me, yeah gio is kinda guilt tripping felix but he has his reasons and I'm pretty sure he's doing it out of the fear he'd get dump again, that's good that you're using your logic while criticizing the situation but bestie you're too close minded.

    Mae143 July 9, 2021 6:25 am
    are we even reading the same thing? wydm by his not actually cold that time? bestie even felix saw he's cold that time cause it's raining, yes you have a point but regardless of your paragraph bestie u said gio... AphroditeLotus

    But he’s done this before MULTIPLE times. Not just this time and this time it’s still not even because he’s afraid of getting dumped, it’s just to prove a point that even if Felix is uncomfortable that he still has all the control. His fear and anxiety is coming from the procedure being brought up so explain the times he did it BEFORE that… there’s no excuse for those times…. There’s not one for this time in my opinion either but he’s done this with no reason before just because he wants to have sex. Also it’s never okay to make someone uncomfortable just to satisfy YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS it’s not fair that’s disgusting you can’t use mental illness to get away with bad behavior you still have to take responsibility for your actions…. If I’m having a anxiety attack it’s not okay for me to deliberately make someone else feel uncomfortable when there’s other options for me to help myself and get better….

Mae143 July 8, 2021 12:18 am

I reeeeaaalllly hope yi yun gets his baby because she’s already mistreating him and he’s clearly not comfortable there

    TwistedCupid July 8, 2021 12:50 am

    Ok... ummm... how? Cause maybe it's my past childhood but how is she mistreating him? Not defending her at all and how she stole the baby is super wrong but... how is she treating him in his care?

    Ahoshit July 8, 2021 1:20 am
    Ok... ummm... how? Cause maybe it's my past childhood but how is she mistreating him? Not defending her at all and how she stole the baby is super wrong but... how is she treating him in his care? TwistedCupid

    I think the way the aunt refuses to hold the baby (a newborn to boot) unless the baby stops crying and asking the nanny to feed the baby instead of doing it themselves. The husband even asked the nanny to go to the other room to feed the baby. They're not extreme but it still feels wrong to me

    Mae143 July 8, 2021 8:08 am
    Ok... ummm... how? Cause maybe it's my past childhood but how is she mistreating him? Not defending her at all and how she stole the baby is super wrong but... how is she treating him in his care? TwistedCupid

    Yes what the other person said…. Why have a child if you’re not prepared for what babies do they cry like the husband said that’s how they communicate but she isn’t even interacting with the baby or bonding or even helping she’s having all the work done for her and only holds the baby when it’s silent that’s mistreating the child

    TwistedCupid July 8, 2021 1:50 pm
    Yes what the other person said…. Why have a child if you’re not prepared for what babies do they cry like the husband said that’s how they communicate but she isn’t even interacting with the baby or bon... Mae143

    ... this is a lot to think about. Thank you for explaining this.

Mae143 July 8, 2021 12:12 am

That was a real dick move….. you were out of line to begin with and then you say that to him like just wow. Kwon KNEW those words would hurt him so much and still said it that was so fucked up

Mae143 July 7, 2021 1:35 pm

I can agree seowoo was wrong for asking and allowing it to happen but Jaewoo agreed and he knew his brother liked ohn. He didn’t even like ohn to begin with. Now ohn likes HIS BROTHER and he wants to keep ohn to himself. The lying and sneaking around the continuance of this switch even after seowoo tried to come clean is just WRONG also did y’all forget JAEWOO IS IN A WHILE FREAKING RELATIONSHIP with that black haired guy. He’s literally leading someone on to chase someone his brother has been in love with for years someone who inspired his brother and helped him through hard times. It’s just so messed up and it’s clear that ohn likes SEOWOO from the readers point of view so Jaewoo needs to re analyze the situation…..

    kyo-kun July 7, 2021 5:46 pm

    and ohn scared of jaewoo too as it shows in a certain chapter...

    Mae143 July 7, 2021 11:54 pm
    and ohn scared of jaewoo too as it shows in a certain chapter... kyo-kun

    Literally he’s most comfortable around seowoo

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