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Lupin3rd February 16, 2017 11:42 pm

My heart was happy when I realize Siwon was going to the club but when I saw what he had on it sunk like the titanic. Why did I think he going to dress bad af and steal his man back? No he took the stalker approach .

Lupin3rd February 14, 2017 1:28 am

I don't give a damn what the dad says. He knew manny was his son's friend before he killed him. He killed manny for his own sake. Fuck the dad. It's time for him to go! (︶︿︶)=凸

Lupin3rd February 12, 2017 10:14 am

I'm sorry being bros died after he first confessed to Hyung. Him asking me to be bros after confessing to him would have help me move on. I only say this because my love for him would have turn in total disgust. Not because he asked me to be bro again but because he seem as tho he doesn't give a fuck about his feelings. If you don't want to be with Eunho, don't call his phone for shit.

Lupin3rd February 7, 2017 6:59 am

It was kinda of weird for me because the friend were all about asato this asato that but when came to taki they didn't care much. I'm saying I want them to be together it just the friendship lol one sided to me in taki's case. They only worried about asato's happiness and forgot about help taki find acceptance.

    Lupin3rd February 7, 2017 7:00 am

    I'm not saying I want them to be together*

Lupin3rd February 3, 2017 4:44 am


Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 6:22 am

Such a good manga but I don't feel I will be able to finish. Make me want to jump inside manga and start whooping some ass fa real.

Lupin3rd February 1, 2017 11:04 pm

I really like Eunho because he is not being pushy. I feel he is slowly trying to build some kind of relationship with hyung. I think he wants to be in h

    Lupin3rd February 1, 2017 11:06 pm

    I think he wants be in hyungs life just in case an opportunity arises. Then he can pounce. Lol

    baggedmilk February 1, 2017 11:41 pm

    Eunho is so considerate

    Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 12:10 am
    Eunho is so considerate baggedmilk

    Yea he is. Normal a person so deep in love would have forced the situation by now. But I see a maturity in Eunho character that's beyond his years. I like it. It's refreshing. His character is why I'm so interested in this story. I'm waiting on his happiness I guess.

    baggedmilk February 2, 2017 1:59 am
    Yea he is. Normal a person so deep in love would have forced the situation by now. But I see a maturity in Eunho character that's beyond his years. I like it. It's refreshing. His character is why I'm so intere... Lupin3rd

    Well said. I agree completely.

    Anonymous February 2, 2017 2:01 am
    Yea he is. Normal a person so deep in love would have forced the situation by now. But I see a maturity in Eunho character that's beyond his years. I like it. It's refreshing. His character is why I'm so intere... Lupin3rd

    "Yea he is. Normal a person so deep in love would have forced the situation by now."
    Er... that REALLY depends on what you mean by "forcing the situation"...
    ...I hope you're not taking yaoi as standard for what constitutes "normal" romantic behavior?

    Viira February 2, 2017 2:17 am
    Yea he is. Normal a person so deep in love would have forced the situation by now. But I see a maturity in Eunho character that's beyond his years. I like it. It's refreshing. His character is why I'm so intere... Lupin3rd

    Uh, would they? Normal people would move on. Its been so many this point it isn't really deep love (they have given zero reasons as to why he even likes him so much, the guy isn't even that nice to him) its...become obsession. Normal people move on. The type who try to force things usually are abusive, obsessive, or manipulative. None of which should be considered normal...

    Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 2:58 am

    Yes they would. Just because Eunho doesn't just say "Fuck you Hyung I'm moving on" doesn't mean he hasn't. NORMALLY after you confess to someone that's your friend it's hard to become friends after. But Eunho is still trying to stay connected in some kind of way. I never said it's normal. I meant to put normally that's how people react when love is one sided. Only a person who has never truly been in love with a person would think someone could move in just a day. Eunho loved hung since he was a child. So I guessing like ten years, so it's going to take awhile to just drop everything. If you love someone, to me it's pointless to quit unless you have truly done everything you can. At this end of the it's you will be free from regret. And the other party will be left with regret on there shoulders. You wouldn't be human if you don't act on emotions. You would be a robot if just kept signing off a rebooting again. It's not going to work.

    Anonymous February 2, 2017 3:16 am
    Yes they would. Just because Eunho doesn't just say "Fuck you Hyung I'm moving on" doesn't mean he hasn't. NORMALLY after you confess to someone that's your friend it's hard to become friends after. But Eunho i... Lupin3rd

    Well said!

    Ryo February 2, 2017 3:19 am
    Yes they would. Just because Eunho doesn't just say "Fuck you Hyung I'm moving on" doesn't mean he hasn't. NORMALLY after you confess to someone that's your friend it's hard to become friends after. But Eunho i... Lupin3rd

    Nah, normal people just move on. The way you describe it's like a romance movie. Well it's hard to move on if you really in love with someone, it take months even years but eventually we move on. Well there quote that 'we can't forget our first love' but again doesn't mean you will fall in love with your first love when you met him/her, you only remember the first time you experience first love and that's it.
    There a thin line between 'try to done everything you can' and being pussy. And i think Eunho is kinda pussy, i mean he not like typical yaoi seme who force the uke to have sex, but i still think he pussy. Why? Because hyung already reject him years ago but he try to get back to hyung life again. And we can see that hyung annoyed by his action. As a normal person, you probably start to notice and back off a bit.
    If you a smart human you won't act only with emotion, but you need to balance it with logic. And yes we need to 'rebooting' once for awhile, you can't cling onto something forever.

    Ryo February 2, 2017 3:32 am

    I mean pushy, sorry english is not my first language

    Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 3:53 am

    I met someone that was abusive to me so I was abusive him. We are best friends now. I met someone that was was obsessed with me. I became obsessed with them and we became lovers. I met someone that was manipulative so I started to manipulate him. We became competitors. I don't give up on people because they show me raw human emotion. I show them I understand by being human too.

    Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 4:03 am

    Wow logic in this world was dead a long time ago.You know why? Because I love pussy but I like being a pussy and I like pussies. Damn how is that for logic..

    Viira February 2, 2017 4:35 am
    I met someone that was abusive to me so I was abusive him. We are best friends now. I met someone that was was obsessed with me. I became obsessed with them and we became lovers. I met someone that was manipula... Lupin3rd

    I know you think what you're doing is okay and helpful....but it isn't. Yeah, those are all real human emotions, but they all need to be worked through properly, not indulged and enabled. You don't have to break off relationships with people when they are in unhealthy places, but you should help them. The right way. Not the way that helps nobody and makes things worse for both.

    I can hear you now and no, just because you feel everything is okay/it currently feels that way okay or even good to you....doesn't mean both of you are actually okay and in a healthy relationship. There is all sorts of damage done that you won't realize for years or sometimes even ever at all.

    Lupin3rd February 2, 2017 6:03 am
    I know you think what you're doing is okay and helpful....but it isn't. Yeah, those are all real human emotions, but they all need to be worked through properly, not indulged and enabled. You don't have to brea... Viira

    Yeah I totally understand. But just because the world works that way for you doesn't mean it works that way for others. We all are different and because we are different, that how we see the world. It's not that I didn't want to help them but I knew myself and my own abilities. You cannot help someone when you haven't help yourself. The only thing I could offer is forgiveness and compassion. Because emotion are not foreign to me and it would hurt them more if I pretended that it was. I would never become the hypocrite that I despise so much. I rather die myself than die a lie. But we always forget the most important things is unconditional love. You can never truly help some if you don't know the answer yourself. We alway think that the mind has all the answer but we forget the raw emotions that has gotten us this far. If it wasn't because of how we feel nothing would be done. I'm not saying if either of us is right or wrong. I'm just saying everything is not as simple as we may think. There are people who think your weak if you give up and their are some who think so if you don't. There is a right or wrong but it shouldn't be because how we think. It should be because of how we feel. The only way I could help at the time was getting to know them better and understanding why they are that way in the first place. If I would have went off of what I think, I would have shrugged it off as them being a lost cause. But no, because I knew that before you get into someone's business you have to build a connection first. I can't judge a person I don't know. I never had the mind of trying to help them in the first place because at that time I was the same. But I did feel that if I get to know this person we could possibly grow together and we did. Four hands are better than one. So in conclusion, what may be normal for you, may not be normal for someone else. We all see the world through different eye but how we feel bring people together. Not what we think is right but what we feel is right.

    Viira February 3, 2017 1:21 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Donna

    I mean, they kinda do. That's literally what psychologists study in order to help people. There are "normal" and healthy ways to think and emote and then there are some ways that are not and are signs that there is something wrong and unhealthy going on with somebody. Yes, humans and emotions are complex, but there are "right" and "wrong" ways to react.

    Example: You get rejected, will you be sad and eventually move on? you stalk and murder the person who rejected you? Unfortunately things like that really do happen and the feelings those people get that express to them that what they're doing is justified, are wrong.

    That's is my reality anyway.

    Ryo February 3, 2017 1:48 am
    I mean, they kinda do. That's literally what psychologists study in order to help people. There are "normal" and healthy ways to think and emote and then there are some ways that are not and are signs that ther... Viira

    totally agree

    Lupin3rd February 3, 2017 3:29 am
    I mean, they kinda do. That's literally what psychologists study in order to help people. There are "normal" and healthy ways to think and emote and then there are some ways that are not and are signs that ther... Viira

    I understand but do we already condemn the person for just stalking before murder has taken place. I feel that just because a person is obsessed with someone doesn't mean that it could lead to murder or even something negative. Like I said before, everyone is not the same mentally so everyone will not react the same. It's like you have already branded a person just because of something that may or may not be the case. No ones perfect and we all have reacted in ways we shouldn't. But just because we get it, do we judge and treat different the ones who haven't yet. Remember we all have been wrong before. So do we go off of what is logical and safe. Or do we step beyond what we see and know to something that we haven't known before. If we do see this we will be able to move on together because of selfish thinking. It's more than just about you. Some people can't survive without hope just like some can't survive without thinking logically. Your way of living is not the only way.

    Lupin3rd February 3, 2017 3:31 am
    I mean, they kinda do. That's literally what psychologists study in order to help people. There are "normal" and healthy ways to think and emote and then there are some ways that are not and are signs that ther... Viira

    Eunho hasn't done shit yet there is so much hate. All he has done is buy coffee and return dudes wallet.

    Lupin3rd February 3, 2017 4:14 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Donna

    Yes I agree. I really wasn't directing my comment at you. I just get fed up when someone says that you haven't move on if you still show your face to the person that rejected you. Is that logical? Just because you are reject as one thing, doesn't you are rejected from everything. There are still possibilities.

    Lupin3rd February 3, 2017 9:12 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Donna

    Oh yeah I saw that after I commented. Yeah true.

    Viira February 4, 2017 10:47 am
    I understand but do we already condemn the person for just stalking before murder has taken place. I feel that just because a person is obsessed with someone doesn't mean that it could lead to murder or even so... Lupin3rd

    Yeah everybody handles things and survives differently and it usually depends on your mental state. Which is something that can be helped by professionals. Nobody should have to survive "without thinking logically", idek what that even is supposed to mean.

    But here's the thing about you wanting to say we should understand and not be judgmental....we SHOULD always look to understand another and the situation, but that doesn't absolve people of wrong doing and poor judgement. Part of what guides people to not do wrong is knowing it will be seen and judged, it helps people rationalize. Im not saying to not try to see a persons reason for reacting as they do, but if somebody does something wrong a lot of times it is a conscious decision. For example, somebody cheats on their partner because their feelings were hurt by something their partner said or did. Yes the person had their feelings hurt...but they still made the decision to cheat. We all make conscious choices as to how we react, you can't absolve people of their poor choices just because you understand why they did it and see making mistakes as humans. You can still care about them and support them, but they still chose what they chose and they have to take responsibility for that and others should hold them to it so that they do deal with it and over come it.

    But Im not trying to brand the kind in this comic, I was not saying he would go as far as to stalk and kill, I was show an extreme to point out what I perceived as a flaw in your argument.

    Viira February 4, 2017 10:57 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Donna

    People have lingering feelings. But humans are literally, as a species, not capable of everlasting feelings.... Every thing comes in waves and in phases. Feelings go dormant or are let go for periods of time, but that doesn't mean they can't resurface. But humans don't truly experience everlasting feelings. Yeah you might love your kid your entire life or your spouse or something, but even that has its phases. I just don't think its true to say he wouldn't/shouldn't have let his feelings go and moved on after so long and being firmly rejected so much. Like people are saying he isn't pushy, but...he definitely has clear ulterior motives, despite the rejection of the other guy and him having a bf, and his feelings/history clearly puts pressure on the other guy and always has which is why the dude tries to keep his space.

    Lupin3rd February 4, 2017 11:43 am
    Yeah everybody handles things and survives differently and it usually depends on your mental state. Which is something that can be helped by professionals. Nobody should have to survive "without thinking logica... Viira

    Everthing you said is true. But until we understand that judging people will make thing worst than better, nothing will change. Judgement shouldn't be in the hands of people who should also be judge themselves. It probably works for the people who are weak to society but to someone that has the I don't give a fuck attitude, it will only feed their hatred for those they see as hypocrites. Will we continue to use that same old logic that doesn't work or will we try a different approach? Professional don't help. We help them by filling there back account. We can only help ourselves. I say this because if it worked, then there wouldn't be a problem with people today.

    Viira February 4, 2017 12:12 pm

    I really can't say much more to you, you sound very young and naive. Maybe mingle with some psychology phd holders if you want to understand how everything you just said is bullshit. Sure, there are people out there of all professions that just want a pay check. But the amazing psych teacher's I've had the pleasure of knowing and participating in their research are incredibly intelligent and responsible and helpful. Thinking we can only help ourselves is immature and ridiculous and I should know, I thought the same when I was younger. But we really can't handle things on our own. We all think we're so much smarter than we are. That is why we need to rely on a whole network of people to be our healthiest mentally. We can't do it all or think ourselves through everything. You need to replace the word judgement with accountability. Holding people accountable while being understanding is the way to go, not to just brush things off "because we're all flawed and human". If people have a fuck all attitude and see the world as hypocrites thats a big sign that you should be speaking to a professional. They can help those people work through that and enlighten them.

    As I've gotten older more and more of the people I know have been relying on professionals to help them with their issues and they're all so much better and happier for it. You can't get anything out of anything if you refuse to let yourself be helped.

    Lupin3rd February 5, 2017 12:41 am

    Yeah your right i definitely wouldn't call myself a smart person. In my life I've had to learn thing through trial and error. I've only learn things through my own experiences and from those around me. I've seen what psychologists have done to people I love and what it has done, has only made it worst. I do understand you may live in a place where you can converse with phd holders but not me. Even though we do see things differently, I do enjoy these kinds of conversations because there are not many around me who are bold enough to talk about these situations. Intellect was never something readily available around me growing up and kind of taboo for me because of necessities. Even though our realities are totally different, I did learn a lot from what you said.

Lupin3rd January 28, 2017 7:31 am

I try my best to accept the omegaverse world of manga because there a really good stories within it. But I cant take it seriously and sometime it just feel to far fetched. The stories are good but I always find myself cracking up when something unrealistic happen during a serious situation in the omegaverse world. And the story loses me after that. Maybe I'm being too critical??? I also believe that omegaverse manga should have its own tag. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    chic January 28, 2017 1:50 pm

    The only things I like about omegaverse are man can bear babies and two men can literally get married, mix their DNA to have children.

    The caste system though is really horrendous.

Lupin3rd January 28, 2017 6:13 am

Chapter 7 just doesn't belong.. it a tragedy in my opinion because of their chosen many people with be hurt including themselves. So sad... But the first story was a breath of fresh air

Lupin3rd January 28, 2017 3:59 am

Damn did they fuck all night long??? Shit they got to be vampire because I would have been out!! Lmao shiiit..

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