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Tsuya comes to Tokyo to hire popular music producer Chihiro Kuno to write some songs for his group o...

  • Author: NARUSE Kazusa
  • Genres: Romance / Yaoi

Uke thought he was a contract pillow buddy the entire relationship. He’s a little naive
Tsuya comes to Tokyo to hire popular music producer Chihiro Kuno to write some songs for his group of small-town pop stars back home, but he certainly didn’t expect to be pushed down on the bed and mistaken for a male escort the moment he meets the guy. As his luck continues to worsen, Tsuya loses his wallet and is forced to stay with Chihiro for a week until his schedule calms down enough to go back with him to the countryside to write the songs they need. When they finally arrive, Kuno realizes they’ve got a lot of work to do if they want to whip that singing group into shape.