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He reminds me of palicos from monster hunter

The_Funky_Carno created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

Are you you’re strong because your nah I’d win or with this treasure I stand proud with his overwhelming intensity

The Fingerer simply responded: Nah I’d win

We just got a WWE episode

Did I miss something? Where are people getting the idea that he wants to fuck his brother? Not sarcasm or anything I’m genuinely curious if I did misread something.

Does this have anything to do with what’s currently going on in the manga the world after the fall? The recent chapters of both have me thinking of their universe is connected at all

Is there some type of multiverse deal going on here?

The_Funky_Carno created a topic of Damn Reincarnation

It’s kinda wholesome and hilarious at the same time

Gobta, the strongest: Nah, I’d win

I wonder if this just a one off reference or if someone wearing Kim’s “skin” will show up later on

The_Funky_Carno created a topic of Chainsaw Man

Any other manga/manhwa could have something similar to those last few panels and people would start bitching about the mc

The emotions this kid is showing are hilariously good

The_Funky_Carno created a topic of Existence

He did say he’d kill him so might as well do it yourself take him too. Lose/lose scenario