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h3w0o followed a goer

• 19 y.o ☆彡
 been falling deep down 
the rabbit hole since 2016 

4 days
h3w0o followed a goer

 Just a dirty minded fujoshi who loves hardcore smut and hentai.

5 days
h3w0o followed question about question

So for a manga it'd be under 150 ratings and manhwas would be under 200 given that they're more popular. I hear people say a story is underrated basically because it's not talked about but it'd have like 600 ratings so clearly there's some attention given to the story, and even stories with like 300 ratings I still see people acknowledge so I'm try......

5 days
h3w0o followed a goer

wankers not allowed

7 days
h3w0o followed a goer
8 days
h3w0o followed question about dating u can make your character if u wanna

14 days
h3w0o created a topic of D:AZE

First’s plan in a nutshell: Act first and have the precious and competent puppy deal with it later. Lovely plan 10/10 punch was very well deserved. His family sucks from what we’ve seen, what a shame. Anyways Racheal keeps popping up everywhere and First has priorities. Let’s see how this goes. Will she be caught? Will she escape? Will First pull something? Who knowsss

Poor Inseob he’s scared out of his mind for the movie but he’s so adorable at the same time. Also Wooyeon is totally in the denial stage and it’s interesting to see. I don’t think it’s the soda he wants I think he deep down just wants to kiss In-seob. This was honestly kinda cute I was expecting him to pull something but I guess we’re good. Not only is he in the denial stage I think we’re getting into his obsession stage. Curious to see how this plays out

h3w0o followed a goer

check my yaoi albums and lists I luv me listsss

21 days
h3w0o created a topic of Profundis

Be so fr. There is no “If only he wasn’t a guide,” this didn’t happen solely because he’s a guide, this happened because y’all are messed up and had to make him as miserable and broken as you. The proper phrasing should be, “If only we weren’t completely insane and psychotic a-holes who treated him like trash for no reason.” Poor Yugeon I mean I know this is supposed to stay like some sort of messed up story with the hella messed up mls who need therapy but like this torture porn or whatever should result in Yugeon somehow killing em, leaving em, or sabotaging em or something idk. They’ve had their good moments but they overall suck and they’re written that way within reason while Yugeon’s writing makes you sympathetic, by some miracle let him free please. The sex timings are so random. Just let him mourn and cry for his sibling properlyyyy begone sex

h3w0o created a topic of Perfect Addiction

How the turn tables, we had Sae being jealous and anxious for like 2 days and Akihito being oblivious and now we get to have jealous Akihito because of whoever this old friend is. So glad Sae talked it out instead of keeping it bottled up and having it affect their trip and whatnot for like a million years. Also I understand why readers are mad at Akihito and I will admit he does stupid stuff sometimes but I wouldn't go as far as hating him. He's just a little slow on the uptake and the fact that he was a straight fucboi who now has a boyfriend who is struggling a bit due to the past and not enough communication on both sides. In time I'm sure they'll both get better and have more trust and communication in their relationship (hopefully). What's a bl webtoon without it's twists and turns here and there for whatever reason they're there (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

h3w0o created a topic of No Moral

1. I love their relationship it's hella refreshing. Sehun reminds me of a cat slowly warming up to someone with his moments of nuzzling and small kisses. He's bad with words and emotions due to his past and stuff but uses physical touch to convey his affection for Yoonshin. Yoonshin reminds me of a dog, not sure which one, but he does. He's very open with his feelings and may be naive but he is a strong character
2. Is his brother the reason he got into law as early as he did??? He obviously felt wronged by the fact that nothing could be done or be found solely because of the parent situation. Poor baby, he lost him young and he was there with no support or closure and has been dealing with it alone for years. I'm glad Yoonshin is stubborn and open when he is, he can help Sehun with going through with this from now on and he won't feel so alone. I really want more backstory with how he got into law and how this death impacted him

h3w0o followed a goer
28 days
h3w0o followed question about question

call me basic, be it straight, bl, or gl but I really love the sunshine x moon dynamic specifically if the mc is the sun while the ml is the moon. the kind where the mc is so cheerful, active, kind hearted, easy going, love to talk while the ml is reserved, always listening, more action than talking, sometime cold to other person but always so swee......

02 05,2024
h3w0o created a topic of Jinx

I thought Heesung was going to be greennnn that’s not greennn! Even if he is pretty he better not hurt the precious bean that is Potato or Huang Yoongu The betrayal is real T^T Poor Potato he’s so adorable and nieveee. If it’s like Jiwon and Dongyun’s relationship (mc and ml in bj Alex) please don’t take long. Potato deserves happiness and Heesung idk what he deserves he has fooled us all. Do come to your senses soon Heesung before hurting the baby. Or if you do it after, I hope you suffer for a bit (о´w`о)

h3w0o followed a goer
02 05,2024
h3w0o created a topic of Profundis

Omggg this was so saddd. He lost his reason for living and staying with the grouppp! The panel of him absolutely breaking down tho was so well drawn. The emotion and sadness poor baby. And Commander’s and Chan’s faces after seeing it happen and then Chan immediately going to go kill those bastards, ah how I wish he succeeded. I know as readers we’ve been waiting for the brother to die so Yugeon could be freed of his “burden” or whatever but that memory was so wholesomeeeee and his death was so saddd. Now it’s a bittersweet memoryyyyy. Wonder what’s going to happen now with his brother gone