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h3w0o created a topic of Jinx

I thought Heesung was going to be greennnn that’s not greennn! Even if he is pretty he better not hurt the precious bean that is Potato or Huang Yoongu The betrayal is real T^T Poor Potato he’s so adorable and nieveee. If it’s like Jiwon and Dongyun’s relationship (mc and ml in bj Alex) please don’t take long. Potato deserves happiness and Heesung idk what he deserves he has fooled us all. Do come to your senses soon Heesung before hurting the baby. Or if you do it after, I hope you suffer for a bit (о´w`о)

h3w0o followed a goer
02 05,2024
h3w0o created a topic of Profundis

Omggg this was so saddd. He lost his reason for living and staying with the grouppp! The panel of him absolutely breaking down tho was so well drawn. The emotion and sadness poor baby. And Commander’s and Chan’s faces after seeing it happen and then Chan immediately going to go kill those bastards, ah how I wish he succeeded. I know as readers we’ve been waiting for the brother to die so Yugeon could be freed of his “burden” or whatever but that memory was so wholesomeeeee and his death was so saddd. Now it’s a bittersweet memoryyyyy. Wonder what’s going to happen now with his brother gone

h3w0o created a topic of Instant Family

How interesting that the cousin selling out Sejoon is the reason he knows Kwak again and is now fearing for his pathetic life. |( ̄3 ̄)| Literally the only good thing this piece of shit had caused. Anyways so glad Sejoon finally stood up for himself against him it's been long overdue! So proud ٩( ᐛ )و Kinda wish we could kill the cousin but I'm sure whatever Kwak has planned should be fine too. We're still in the clear about that possible... dun dun dunnnnn twist ending that may or may not ruin the happiness but we'll see~ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

h3w0o created a topic of Gig of the Day

“Just what have I gotten my hands on”
What you have there sir is one of the most precious and gorgeous Mc’s ever. What you have is a puppy who’s been through enough shit yet still goes strong so you better treat him right. If and probably when Yeomin leaves for whatever reason (because bl webtoon logic), I hope Taeseo realizes what he’s missing and ends up being the one chasing and waiting. Yeomin deserves the world I freaking love him and I still have mixed feelings about Taeseo but he’s good for now. Uke fell first seme fell harder please (even if said seme is is denial and will probably do something stupid first) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

h3w0o created a topic of Instant Family

Yesss finally got communication and the L word! I love you╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ Love it when the communication comes through for happy times! Question is tho, will it stay happy? Dun dun dunnnnn possible twist? ( ・∇・)? Who knowsss

h3w0o created a topic of Nerd Project

Those hits to the face were so well deserved omg that was great. Might come back to bite Luke but totally worth it rn. The director dude’s annoying and can’t handle the fact that his parents didn’t give him enough attention as a kid and people don’t see him as handsome or whatever so he takes it out on pretty people. It’s like the audio “he’s bald, he’s bald and he’s torturing people with hair!” But in this case it’s about torturing people with pretty faces lol. Poor Luke he’s been dealing with his bs for a while and now he finds out more stuff about Andy from other people (which he doesn’t like because he respects boundaries and wants him to open up himself TwT). I wanna know the truth too so share please and communicate

h3w0o followed a goer
21 04,2024
h3w0o created a topic of Profundis

The development of everyone actually caring for Yugeon and wanting to help and protect him Anyways when can we kill the old dude? He keeps being a nuisance. Just let the poor dude save his only family in peaceeee. How dare he try killing the brother while Yugeon is still there. ( 。 • ^ • 。) And the way he hugged his brother in the scene and then Commander being shooketh. Can’t wait to see how this pans out. Also hopefully there’s no more rape (that’s never talked about or forgiven for whatever reason) since it seems everyone’s made some sort of character development.

Poor Juheon. Duho’s just a bit slow with social cues and emotions and whatnot. He’ll get it eventually. This folks is why it’s great to communicate and specify what kind of relationship you have with others. Easier to avoid misunderstandings that way. Hopefully if there’s angst there isn’t too much they’re kinda cute. Also I wanna see his acting too do show us

I was right about him spouting bs about his “first love.” But 1. “I’m taking your silence as permission.” How about back tf up because that’s not how consent works or should work. It’s something sometimes said in the real world as well but just no please. 2. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. But you’ve got to make yourself clear” he says as he proceeds to openly ignore In-seob clearly saying no over and over. Therefore resulting in guess what? More rape. He may be pretty and In-seob may like him but that excuses nothing. He’s currently trash. Redemption where and when?

h3w0o created a topic of 2020

Well to be fair he never exactly specified what kind of kissing and where. Can't wait to see how the kissing thing backfires lol. Mop Head actually does pull off the granny shorts relatively well. And i would say the popsicle thing was kinda hot but like popsicles are cold (haha terrible dad joke)

h3w0o created a topic of One Summer Day

welp that took a twist. those poor brothers i mean like i get that the reaper liked the dude and wanted him to live longer or whatever but there was no way that would turn out too well. now neither of em can come back anytime soon and his way of thinking with the other reapers is interesting tho. i know he's trying to stop history from repeating itself but the way he was meddling is a no no it's like he hasn't learned his lesson TvT. I don't like him too much but i feel like he should get some sort of happiness again

Feel like wooyeon’s going to say something stupid to mess with inseob. Just seems like something he would do. I doubt he’s cared for his hook ups like that but I could be wrong idk. Also let the poor baby use the bathroom in peace jeez. And inseob not getting the daddy thing and being absolutely confused and then apologizing was kinda funny he’s so cuteness. Wooyeon getting jelly without knowing because people kept talking about his girlfriend was also interesting to see

h3w0o created a topic of Jinx

Oh gosh did something happen to granny?! Poor Dan he needs a break either way. And good job Potato for finally doing something in this whole situation. The way he did nothing while Dan was being accused this whole time was sad. The way no one stood up for Dan this whole time is sad. Anyways SLAP HIM AGAIN. He needs to learn to stop being a spoiled a-hole and have some decency or something. Good job coach and gl with your gym

h3w0o created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

YES SKYLAR BEAT HIS ASS! That was such a satisfying punch 10/10. 100% that dude’s fault he brought it on himself cause he kept pushing buttons and tried starting the fight (๑•w•)و✧ and the way he took Currus’ side in the store and right now I love it! They’ve come so far

h3w0o created a topic of Profundis

The pain in Chan’s face when he looked at Yugeon tho. And the way Yugeon and the commander looked at each other before splitting. I still have mixed feelings about all of em, Yugeon hasn’t gotten any apologies and is just forced to move on. Poor one armed dude tho he was so close yet so far since the forever sus Espers showed up

h3w0o created a topic of Gig of the Day

So uhh what you mean by “low maintenance” where is this dude going with thissss? Please don’t hurt the little star shine! He was so cute and sad as a kid, his mom left him and he just waited like a lost puppy T^T And that dude at the end is suspicious he better not try anything