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sus15 June 11, 2024 2:08 am

I think the dude should have been firm and confronted the girl. He has an idea that she's a liar and that she likes him but he didn't want to deal with it or confront her so he just let her keep the sweater. Avoiding toxic people by letting them have their way further enables toxic behaviors. It's going to end up exploding in their face if she ends up catching them together. She'll feel betrayed and led on even though that might not be his intentions. Deal with the rotten mean girl now rather than later

sus15 May 25, 2024 5:46 am

i told my oomf that i would not be ok if my gf were to visit a guys house at night alone even if it was her friend and oomf said i was toxic possessive anyways for me its not crazy to hope sooae should have boundaires out of respect for Eunkyeok

sus15's questions ( All 6 )

sus15 March 30, 2024 7:29 am

looking for a specific yaoi manga i forgot the name. its a teacher who i think helps a student with his studies and i think the studnet grows up to be a teacher too and ends up together with his sensei. then one day he see's sensei tutor a student privately and he gets insecure/worried sensei will leave him because thats how he fell in love with him, but sensei explains hes just tutoring helping the kid?

sus15 February 23, 2024 6:35 am

what trope do you hate? mine is love triangles cuz its so pointless. the author makes a story with an endgame already in mind but proceeds to give equal or more amount of screen time to a second lead when that time could have been used towards just the real mainlead

    CaCtiBish~! February 23, 2024 6:53 am

    Miscommunication if that’s considered a trope. Like, I hate when I’m reading a shoujo and the couple will start having issues over something they could’ve talk over about.

    Whyyoureadinthislah February 23, 2024 6:54 am

    Well i have a lot. But if we’re talking romance, I agree with that. Also harem. It’s just annoying, and i end up feeling bad for the others. Also usually (not all..mostly only) the mc sucks so..

    CaCtiBish~! February 23, 2024 7:03 am
    Well i have a lot. But if we’re talking romance, I agree with that. Also harem. It’s just annoying, and i end up feeling bad for the others. Also usually (not all..mostly only) the mc sucks so.. Whyyoureadinthislah

    Dude Harems suck, the only ones I read that are like,sorta ok are reverse harems.

    Blue February 23, 2024 7:07 am

    I hate love triangles about 90% of the time. In some rare case it's done in a way that it works. I don't like sad or tragic endings either. I want actual proper endings and I want them to be positive, hopeful, or happy.

    Hate the trope of the two people being forced apart or one person leaving and there is no contact for years. We live in a digital age. Phones, texting/messaging apps, and email have been around for over 30 years now. There are no excuses in not keeping in contact between two adults.

    Wanda February 23, 2024 10:26 am

    I hate love traingles, character development tropes where one character rapes the other before becoming a better person (like bro pls just leave and find another man instead of ur rapist), age gaps if the older person knew the younger one when the younger one was a minor (like if they watched them grow ykwim)

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