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Nikzakihko did ( All 1 )


Nikzakihko's experience ( All 1 )

about crying
bitches that get their report card ten start crying and stressing over cause if dear 'ol daddy sees their gonna kill them cause they literary said fuck online school didn't study and instead read yaoi and now is having a panic attack   reply
02 12,2020

Nikzakihko's answer ( All 0 )

Nikzakihko's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did read all the yaoi in the world

i did this and i learned one thing.... yaoi authors need anti psychotics.

2 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

7 hours
want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

17 hours