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Sing is just happy that Lass is being doted on ≧ω≦

The reason for not giving the throne is wack. Just bcs rumors were planted and they didn't even try to do anything to prove or disprove it, that's so stupid. It can just be the Esmeralda dude trying to ruin the prince's reputation so he won't get the declaration of heirship to the throne so the emperor's nephew could get a chance at sitting on it.

LMAO the author tried to give a plot and to move it but it fell flatter than the flat earthers model of the earth smh

Bro is gonna buy a wholeass bakery for her just to hear her say thank you and smile at him like that Reneal is so adorable, they're both adorable and yey baby Giselle reveal. Where can I find a man like him irl? Dude's flag flickers green and red like a damn traffic light

I love this MC. Her personality isn't 1 dimensional at all. She's kind bcs that's inherently who she is, but she's not so nice that she wouldn't do things that needs to be done to her advantage. I really like that about her, she doesn't even rely that much on the ML and does her own thing. She asks for help yes, but that's only natural since she is a foreigner and a person can't do everything alone. It's a dog eat dog world when it comes to the life of royalty and it shows.

I can def say she's a strong FL in a not in your face way that most manhwa I've read so far was. She feels like a real person in the way she is written.

I'm not too sure about what I feel about the ML just yet but I have high hopes that he would have some depth to him other than being the most beautiful man in the empire that's cruel but also likes cute things. Can't wait where this story goes

It's the Uncle, isn't it? That's why he wants the Mc to inherit cuz he's terminally ill and would die soon so the uncle can usurp the headship of the clan. I bet my ass that it was bcs of him that mc was even terminally ill or why mc's father is getting worse

I knew from the moment the panel where he was kneeling came up, he was gonna propose. This man speedruns romance unlike other mls and im here for it

Oh man Lee Kang is as much of a scammer as Cale, the only thing missing now is for him to start coughing more blood to cause misunderstandings that gets him special treatment lol

This feels so much like healing and I'm loving every second of it. Reading the novel at her committing su*cide made me bawl like a bitch that I had to drop it bcs shit was getting too real and personal. But reading this manhwa till this chapter made me cry in a different way. I'm so goddamn happy for her and wouldn't mind if it ends here, it's just beautiful and heartwarming. I love this manhwa so much

Her bro thinks more with his dick than his head, that should be his new name. The fuck is this backwards ass thinking, it ain't the woman's fault that you think more with your dick. And Bibi, don't listen to his bs, you're perfectly beautiful inside and out, don't listen to that dickhead