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Prince_Genai October 3, 2023 11:58 am

This side couple pairing… I’m actually in love with it lmao. Like this is gonna be so fun and it’s something I can actually look forward to without having to worry about jumping over the hurdles of an evil bastard finding a heart. I love Potato a lot and Heesung actually isn’t as bad as I thought he was. His lowkey manipulation with the love bombing stuff and how he easily moves on/gets bored of the people he pursues sorta skeeved me out a bit, but he’s definitely a better person then Jaekyung, and you can tell he doesn’t go out of his way to hurt others. He handled the Dan situation really well. I can’t wait to see more Heesung x Potato, it’s gonna be hilarious and probably really hot lol.

Side Note: Maybe jaekyung wouldn’t have to worry about any injuries if his stupid ass actually got treated instead of spending all of his energy sexually harassing and abusing his DOCTOR.

Prince_Genai September 24, 2023 3:01 am

LMAOOOO My favorite trope has finally come to fruition! I just love the asshole that is so aggressively delusional to how whipped he is. It’s the way the typically domineering character suddenly loses all power in the relationship. He’s not gay, but for some reason can’t help buying this guy gifts, only wanting to sleep with him, covering him up when he falls asleep, literally saying he’s not attractive while impulsively kissing him. It’s so pathetic in the most hilarious and endearing way. He’s literally so damned whipped but still considers himself straight. I can’t help it, I love it so much. Literally giggling and kicking my feet as this absolute loser tries to convince himself that he’s not obsessed with the gay boy.

Prince_Genai September 23, 2023 12:35 am

I don’t care, I’m gonna keep reading because I dont want to leave off without seeing Doc Dan happy, but I will NEVER deprive myself of hating this absolute loser. He’s so mentally and emotionally without that the best way for him to stake his claim over another human without admitting he’s into him is by literally violating his body and committing an act of sexual assault? Dan didn’t consent to being exposed like that, especially in a state of Jaekyungs kinky deprived experiments. It’s honestly such a sick thing to do. It would’ve been horrible with a stranger, but this is even worse. He knows him. He interacts with him on a regular basis. He’s always been an annoying physically domineering piece of crap, but this is just way too far. It’s literally sexual assault. And don’t think I didn’t peep that “can I say no?” “No you can’t.” Because that’s pretty much all this relationship is. The whole concept of “you may say you don’t like it but your body tells the truth” is so stupid because mind and body are two separate things, and no matter how nerves are reacting to something physical, if you don’t enjoy what’s happening mentally and emotionally, you can’t enjoy it happening. I genuinely don’t think Dan enjoys being with him because there’s no emotional gratification that comes from it. He can’t say no, he’s in his debt, there’s barely even technical consent, but he just has to deal with it because these freaks have never heard of therapy.

    Momma September 23, 2023 12:44 am

    You’re the only comment here that just makes so fucking sense! The boy needs therapy, he really does.

Prince_Genai September 22, 2023 9:54 am

His reaction whenever he feels he’s “switched” is the entire reason why aspects of him are fractured in the first place. The entire goal should be to actively embrace all sides of him so that they don’t have to be conflicting parts of the whole. When he treats one like a parasite and the other as his loving “hyung” when they’re both part of the same body and both love him, all it’s going to do is cause a further divide between them when they should be meshing together. Humans are complex creatures with countless pieces that make us “us”, so the only thing he should be doing is reassuring him that he can love and accept and appreciate every aspect of him so that he no longer feels the need to hide/fight the different aspects of his personality. It’s all him. He just needs to feel safe enough to allow all of him to come through all at once.

    Ruri September 22, 2023 12:52 pm

    You see, that makes sense and is the healthy route to go. Buuuuuut in stories like this they can't help but always do the opposite and cause more confusion and toxicity ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Prince_Genai September 14, 2023 4:02 am

I’m sorry but Jace is insufferable lmao. I get it, dramalamaramabama whatever but GET OVER IT lmfao. It’s so melodramatic and whiney that I can’t take it seriously, I just wanna slap tf out of him every time he opens his mouth also “wahhh wahhh two men can’t make an heir” as if this dude doesn’t have a whole ass younger brother who is practically his son and literally in line to be an heir to the throne. You’d rather run away into the woods or some shit and flee the scene of a kidnapping while injured then admit that maybe just maybe some gay rumors wouldn’t mean much to one of the most powerful and influential dudes in the country. I just can’t stand characters that make their life harder for fun, and then complain about how hard their life is. I’d tell him to get a job but he already tried and failed after abandoning a perfect one for no logical reason.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:31 am

    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other than the duke’s palace. I think it is smart to give it a lil thought and extra precaution because they have zero allies rn, because a duke is high up but not all powerful. I mean he literally got attacked for just being gay at the duke’s party, so yea it is understandable to believe people could destroy not just him but the duke. However they could just give the position to the lil bro.

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:32 am
    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other t... dan_fun4321

    Jace is very dramatic tho and just runs off cliffs instead of explaining himself tholike talk it babe

    dan_fun4321 September 14, 2023 10:32 am
    I mean I think it is the era they live. Gay people get prosecuted for just existing. Cause remember just didn’t do anything other than he gay and he literally could never work as tutor again any where other t... dan_fun4321

    Jace is very dramatic tho and just runs off cliffs instead of explaining himself tholike talk it out babe

Prince_Genai September 14, 2023 3:29 am

Believe it or not, I loooove this trope. Stories like this are so fun! But only AFTER it comes full circle. As in, I’ll be annoyed and angry while our lovable innocent mc who actively does no wrong gets hurt and abused over and over again, because that’s how you should feel about a good person getting tortured (fictional or not).

Whereas I’m happy, and excited, and having FUN when the previous abuser becomes an obsessed whipped pathetic loser (in the kindest way possible) and begins pining for our loveable mc, aiming to give him the happiest life possible that he’s been deprived of for so long.

They basically become the Zuko of yaoi men, and it’s incredibly fun to watch, because that personality change is the only thing stopping them from being completely insufferable. Riding with the abusive character and being impassive to the angel characters suffering just because they’re hot, even though the abusive character is the definition of a piece of shit is very strange!

And it would make me side eye you if I knew you irl! Because where are the morals?! People with morals are so hot! Zuko is so hot! Why don’t you want to be hot?!

    toilet terrorist September 14, 2023 3:32 am

    So real for shit lmao

    Kennedy September 14, 2023 6:02 am

    I agree and that’s why I keep reading this. I’m waiting for the juicy moment when Jaekyung has to beg and relentlessly pine after Dan. I hope Dan makes him suffer before accepting his feelings.

    Sac of ramen noodles September 15, 2023 12:07 am

    Wait cause same so if u have any recs drop pls I’ve already read bj Alex

Prince_Genai September 14, 2023 2:53 am

Why does it always have to be one way or the other? Can y’all not acknowledge that the story/art is entertaining while also acknowledging that both of our current tops suck ass? Lmao.

I’m sure most people here have read BJ Alex, and probably liked it as well. There’s a difference between not liking a character and not liking an entire body of work. The tops are literally meant to be pricks who end up becoming whipped to the point where they have to force themselves to be less pieces of shit for the MC to give them the time of day after practically torturing them.

I’m just patiently waiting for hints of Doc’s pull back (because he’s practically never smiling when he’s with these dudes, because Jaekyung thinks physical pleasure is the only source of joy when Doc just wants to be treated with kindness, not fucked into submission), and I’m waiting for Jaekyung to fall, fuck everything up, and become a miserable mess of a failure because he’s an asshole, so that he has room to better himself and do everything in his power (which he has a lot of, hence the unhealthy toxic and borderline-abusive power dynamic that yaoi authors are obsessed with) to make Doc as happy as he deserves to be.

Like the dudes an Angel, like a literal sweet hearted healer who only ever cares about others, never himself. So why are y’all shocked when we’re defensive of him and pissed at the abusive tops? That’s the point of the story.

So you bet your ass I’m gonna complain about how shitty these guys are, because that’s how they’re meant to be perceived. If you have to literally set your morals and ethics and perceptions of Right vs. Wrong and Likeable vs. Unlikeable on fire just to enjoy a body of work (let’s be honest, it’s mostly because you’re horny) with purposely shitty characters, you’re a weirdo and should be seen as such lmfao.

Prince_Genai July 22, 2021 3:45 pm

I really think that Seowoo and Jaewoo need to have their own conversation separate from Ohn’s involvement because it’s very clear that they have VERY different perspectives of each other and their family dynamic while growing up. Seowoo sees Jaewoo as this shining star that held all his parents attention and expectations because he was actually outgoing, and was able to make friends or whatever, but Jaewoo said before that he never had his own life or identity since Seowoo was so introverted and needy, his parents would always coddle him and basically leave Jaewoo to himself since he was more mature and didn’t need his parents constant attention. Seowoo actually ended up guilt-tripping Jaewoo into living his life for him since he was too scared and unwilling to do so himself, so it’s kinda horrible how he’s pretty much put Ohn on this pedestal, latched himself onto him, developed some weird obsession with him and lays his claim on him as his “one and only Ohn”, when he couldn’t even form the relationship himself. He made his brother do it for him, but now he’s the bad person for actually developing feelings and going for it like a (semi-) normal person. And this is just another example of Seowoo claiming that it’s true love and he was in love first and Jaewoo was the one being selfless, yet he’s incapable of seeing how his actions could horribly affect Ohn (the one he supposedly loves). They’re both unbelievably selfish, but Seowoo’s selfishness feels worse since he has some delusion that deludes him of any blame or acknowledgement that he’s being selfish, to Ohn, to Jaewoo, to everyone he uses when he can’t handle his own emotions. They really need to figure out their own MANY issues before they try to start forming relationships with other people because clearly all they’re doing is dragging their own toxicity into other peoples lives. I clearly still like Jaewoo MUCH more as a character and Seowoo aggravates me a bit more than Jaewoo does, but neither of them should end up with Ohn until Ohn decides what to do after the truth comes out.

It’s frustrating because I want Ohn to continue developing closer relationships with other guys and I want him to realize that not all guys suck complete ass (although Seowoo and Jaewoo really aren’t helping in that matter), and I can see how Ohn would benefit from getting closer to the twins, but with this convoluted plot, the twins really don’t deserve to get closer with Ohn. It’s like I’m stuck between wanting the twins to get as far away from Ohn as possible for his own sake, but wanting own to get just close enough to them so that he can realize that he is capable of developing healthy relationships with other men.

Prince_Genai July 20, 2021 9:03 pm

I just screamed no so fucking loudly, and now I’m just cackling… he’s so fucked how do you fix that situation? What do you do to NOT get absolutely fucked? Like he won’t be able to hide, at least not for long. What if he just sits there and waits for him to wake up after basically knocking his head off his shoulders, and is just like… “so…… I think we’ve all done some things we regret… why don’t we look inward and determine who’s REALLY in the wrong here.” While the Dukes over here lookin like the bent neck lady and the grudge had an inbred baby man’s folded him like a ragdoll. Duke looks like all of the bones in his body shattered spontaneously. Didn’t even give him a warning. Just a quick BOP BOP and he’s done. I’m sooooo fucking dead.

    fxckingkacchan July 20, 2021 10:23 pm


    jess July 20, 2021 11:14 pm

    O~r tie him up and fuck while topping him so he could just forget about the punch.

Prince_Genai July 20, 2021 7:17 pm

Gasp!!! He’s slept with men?!??!!!! The humanity!!! That knowledge is the perfect tool to extort people of money and definitely wouldn’t immediately backfire…

I really wish people would be realistic in these mangas and simply be like “no<3” anytime a blackmail plot line comes up. Like who gives af? Who’s genuinely about to be affected over 3 pictures of him in bed with different guys (how the fuck did someone even get those and why were they taken in the first place lmfao)? He’s a whole rich bitch and y’all are quite literally lowlife criminals. Whoooooo do you think is gonna win this battle? ESPECIALLY when all he cares about is Hyunwoo. You can’t extort shiiiiiit. Get outta here with that crap.

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