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Ariria created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

Chaoter 83.... haaa the blondie better end up with some amazing ass cause brooo... tbh I'd be down for the assistant and blondie. They're the 2 best characters in this shit. Ths mc is a crybaby who can't even take care of his kid for a day without ending up hurt (nor can he even hold a job) while the ml... idk how he even ended up liking the mc so much but okkkk they deserve eachother. But the real MVPs in this shit are the dude's assistant and the blondie lawyer dude. Like imagine what a powerful baby these 2 motivated mmfs would produceeeee for the good of da worlddd.

I hereby do declare that from just chapter 2 I do declare once more that this very much so is mediocre. I hereby declare thrice that the art is subpar at best as is the dialogue. I hereby declare that I shall crown this manhwa with nothing for I will be declaring hence forth my resignation from this journey, I hereby declare that I should go to sleep for I have stayed up too late and have partook in too many mediocre plots for today. I hereby declare this coronation adjourned, Au Revoir~

So is the fat nosed baby the one mc calls a kid's kid? Or is it some randos dudes kid? Haaa whatever the damn thing doesn't make any sense anyway. Hope they enjoy the abyss sex or whatever.

Ariria created a topic of Nineteen Over

....#-.-) how... quaint?

Never seen a promo look worse than the actual before... or maybe I have idk but the difference be astonishinggg

Ariria created a topic of Snake Bite

Damn... that's it? Whats up with stories ending so abruptly lately. All of them be shittyyyy. And he said that he was gonna give him an answer but he went and was gonna fuck his sister? And whats up with the sister suddenly being so desperate.... and the BROTHER wajmaaa... this shit is like the back flash in manhwa rather than the main plot.... wouldn't it be kinda interesting seeing then 10 years from now?? O well it is what it is. Shitty characters get shitty endings ig....

Ariria created a topic of Snake Bite

Broo I'm on chapter 11 and I still can't fathom how anyone would cheat on such a damn stallion GODDD That bod, that face, that cute ass obsessional ass WTFFF wajma...and then the dude just goes and fucks the stallions sister after she immediately broke upppp ANDD not to mention fucked her ex WAJMAMAMMAMA AND THEN THE STALLIONS LEFT HANDINGGG.
Personally I just can't fathom how nobody seems to have a crush on the guy...

Ariria created a topic of A Beloved Villain

...why do Chinese manhua have such... bad story telling? ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ariria created a topic of The Hunter's one night

That's it???? The plot had so much damn potential and they just decided to glaze it??? And why did 2 very good looking, strong eligible men who were friends with the mc have to die??? WHYYYY the premise was great, the art is amazing, the character dynamic were good but... the execution is... so damn disappointing. They just died. All of them. Too damn realistic it's a pity.

Ariria created a topic of Kouguu no Omega


Okkk so I know it's a weird thing to be worried about but since I know the dude was gonna be with psycho mans at the end I was worried there at chapter 46 when the dude be lookin like some beggar and then ya tell me only 2 weeks passed??? Damn boiii I thought years went by with him in come and the dude became dirt poor and shitttt I was worried like what would the guy have left then? His looks??? But what they gon dooooo kyayayayaya....
Kinda wish there was some redemption though... maybe a timeliness were wookyung wasn't so fucked up and actually helped minho... a cutesy timeliness but welp that ain't happening.

Also does anyone know what chapter wookyung joked about a plane to minho?

Ariria created a topic of Random Target

Chaoter 16 and IT'S FUNNY HOW HE FUCKIN CALLS HER COMPLICATED when he the one whose complicating shit. Never seen such a spoke up female lead before but this dude?? He's the effin female lead in this whole charade and he has the AUDACITY to call her complocatedddd

Ariria created a topic of Top to Bottom / Big & Big

"I understand... your love of ass." WHAT TGE ACTUAL FUCKKK I'm wheezinggg

Ariria created a topic of Top to Bottom / Big & Big

Chap 2 and... BROTHA WTFFF

Ariria created a topic of When the Villainess Loves

...why is libertia just forgotten? Why do all the men just have to fall in love with one girl? It's not like she gon fuck em all and have babies with them she just gon leave em hangin except for the ml, must they all love the preppy bish? Why was Libertia, the most beautiful character so easily forgotten? Why? Is her stoicism so unattractive? I find it saddening.

Ariria created a topic of When the Villainess Loves

Chapter 6 and Goddd I hate her dad to an unbearable extent... I really hope there is no redemption arc for the dude, hope he regrets his actions that he came upon his daughter for the rest of his effed up life. Hope he gains the knowledge of what truly happened to her and kills himself with regret

Cute and cruel at the same time... the short stories are always such perfect specimen though... makes me a little teary

Ariria created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Boiling just read chapter 108 and whats up with the roller coaster of feelings godddd i wish I could just wait till the ending gut it's so goodddddd Wajma.... I just want them to kiss THAT'S ALL I WANTTTT