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Ariria created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I THINK this is actually the first time I've seen such a consensual bl!!!! AND ITS SOOO GOOD AND CUTEEE AND WHOLESOME AND SMEXYYY WJAJAJJAJAJA. Haaaa now I wanna play some farming games.

Ariria created a topic of Ordinary to Alpha

Damnnn it ended so wholesomely for a porno lollll

Ariria created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


Ariria created a topic of Crimson Ocean

Damn... everything be reddddd

Ariria created a topic of Gobbling the Goblin


Ariria created a topic of Our Sunny Days

LOLĹL "See you tomorrow... HO" LOLLLLL god I'm chockinggg

Ariria created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

I wanna see that eggie hatchhhh and now a second eggs too WAHMAMAMMAMA

Ariria created a topic of Nerd Project

YOOOO WHY THE CLIFFHANGERRR. Zamn that made me squeak and fart a loud one
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

O COME ONNNNN I just started rereading this shit and now I get the scene that I so was anticipating as a CLIFFHANGER!???? ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ariria created a topic of SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

I meann the romance is nice buttt it's kinda getting old? Idk I kinda dislike how she's ordering him around and how he's acting so blinded by love? The idea of it being like that the whole time will kill meeee so I'm hoping they mellow out in the romance department or that it ends after this arc. Tbh I have a slight suspicion that she might be a fragment of the goddess too since well she got slashed by the sword butttt I'm hoping the lovey dovey bits mellow out and there'll be more action soon.

HOTTIE ALERTTTT. He gon burn them flames to thy heartttt.

Haaa I the new story is really good BUT~~ I wanted atleast like another chapter with some children between the princess and the demon lord.... like seeing the new variations of offsprings are the best part of a romance manhwa, it's unfortunate that so many end without showing the cute kids.

Ariria created a topic of Swordmaster

That some Gary stue shit man.... THAT'S THE GOOD SHIT

Ariria created a topic of Salty Lust

Can't wait for the alien babiesss LOLLLL