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Vpv followed a goer

aaaaaaaaaaah ರ╭╮ರ

12 01,2024
Vpv followed a list
Vpv followed a list
11 01,2024
Vpv followed a list
11 01,2024
Vpv created a topic of Heat and Love

Wish there were more about the second couple . And more details about both mc's and ml's parents, especially about haebom's mom. 8/10

Vpv followed a list
07 01,2024
Vpv followed a goer
04 01,2024
Vpv followed a goer

Hey guys, if this site goes down I really recommend you catalogue the mangas you've read or really like somewhere else!

04 01,2024
Vpv followed a list

A list of BL works I enjoyed reading

- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- rating depends on my personal preference

☆ = fave

Part 2:

04 01,2024
Vpv followed a goer
02 01,2024
Vpv followed a goer

Having rabies should be normalised

30 12,2023