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clown created a topic of Mad Dog

unfortunately not surprised. i'll read it since i might as well finish out the story but it's just SA and sehyuk obliterating hamin's boundaries and limits for selfish reasons. and then hamin is stressed but sehyuk is all happy n shit like...

i like the idea of being handled and treated roughly but there's still a way to do it without it being straight up (or in any capacity) rape? and they're supposed to have chemistry and be together all lovey dovey n shit so why not show sehyuk showing some fucking restraint for once! some development for him maybe. instead we don't get any of that. this scene could've happened in the beginning and it wouldn't have been that out of place tbh since sehyuk liked hamin for a while by the time the story starts. toxic relationships and stories are one thing but i was under the impression that that wasn't the ultimate goal here? idk maybe i'm crazy fuck me ig

clown answered question about question
this is either the craziest rage bait ever or you're genuinely brain dead, either way get help and maybe people would like you more and you wouldn't live such a miserable life
clown add 1 photos to serotonin


clown add 1 photos to serotonin
clown created a topic of Jinx

why am i doing this to myself i feel like i'm in too deep to stop reading but GOD i HATE jaekyung so much and the way dan keeps excusing his behavior makes me feel insane. i'm going insane
no amount of character development is going to make up for the things he's done to dan but i have a sneaking suspicion that's the author's goal and they're going to end up happy together!!! ugh