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clown did ( All 1 )

lose a friend

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clown's answer ( All 9 )

about question
this is either the craziest rage bait ever or you're genuinely brain dead, either way get help and maybe people would like you more and you wouldn't live such a miserable life   reply
05 02,2024
you could be mistaking platonic attraction with romantic attraction, since you said you feel uncomfortable with even kissing them, but are ok with platonic things like hugging. there's also a chance you could be romantically but not sexually attracted to men? probably not based off what you said, but just throwing that out there. if you feel comfor......   reply
05 04,2021
here u go (o:   reply
05 03,2021
girlfriend told me to read BJ Alex so i did, didn't come back after, but then she told me to read Sign and i really liked the characters and stories. ended up scouring around and clicking random stuff that i thought was interesting. i don't read for sex scenes, so straight up smut with no real plot doesn't appeal to me. plus a lot of non-yaoi/yuri ......   reply
08 01,2021
dude take this shit to wattpad nobody wants to see that here   reply
30 12,2020

clown's question ( All 0 )