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Best Alpha of the year goes tooooo...... you! Rishar, for asking for consent, for being there for him and for telling him its ok. You are the best buddy. Please stay like that.

SisterFriede created a topic of Corrosive

The art has improved so much i love it!

SisterFriede created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

He made the guy bleed by using his fingers?and still he was like im gonna f*ck him. Everyone in this story is f*cked in the head. No amount of therapy is gonna fix them.

SisterFriede created a topic of See You, My King

This manwha just keeps on giving♡ i'm getting fat from all the delicious food ♡♡

SisterFriede created a topic of Comes In Threes

Rosie you have best girl Yuriel for you! Who cares about the prince? Go get that girl!

SisterFriede created a topic of Jinx

Someone send the guy flowers. That punch on the seme was SPOT ON.

SisterFriede created a topic of Love at First Voice

Not me laughing out loud at home at 2am

SisterFriede created a topic of 1 to 10

Lmao literally my husband in the morning. Can relate to the uke XD

SisterFriede created a topic of Mash Up

Either im colorblind or his hair is light brownish instead of pink....

SisterFriede created a topic of Max Mojave's Case


The mcs tiddies seem to grow every panel....

SisterFriede created a topic of See You, My King

Brown haired is such a tease. Its so hard to actually believe and trust him. First you think hes ok until he draws an uno and gets all sus. Very interesting. Will he become the next baddie now that Sute is out of the picture?

SisterFriede created a topic of Yona and Chang-il
SisterFriede created a topic of Mash Up

Does anyone have a tissue for my massive nosebleed?

SisterFriede created a topic of Risky Vice

I HaVe FeElzinGs FoR YOu~~

Got yeeted out of the car a few chapters back-