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SisterFriede created a topic of INDOMITABLE CHAMPION

Lots of rape. Be warned.

SisterFriede created a topic of Rain Advisory
SisterFriede created a topic of Wish You All the Best

This shit is so toxic we all gonna die posioning. Ive read a lot of stories in 20+ years but im going to draw the line here. This is way too unhealthy and i feel myself getting upset and frustrating due to two drawn people. The story is going nowhere except a lot of abuse and pain... and this could continue for another 50 chapters.
I wish you all a good day.

SisterFriede created a topic of Mash Up

Next time someone doesnt trust me ill just give that person a kiss so it trusts me. Seems to work here


Im gonna miss my comfort food...

Thank you uploader♡

SisterFriede created a topic of Risky Vice

Is it me or did the art become worse....?

SisterFriede created a topic of Jinx

" i feel like shit " and still he thinks only about himself! Good doc Dan that you left that toxic piece of sht behind. I wish you were real because my need a good physical therapist as well...

SisterFriede created a topic of Formless

He gave him a blocked card and made him stop his job?what a dick move.

SisterFriede created a topic of The Perfect Pose

The body proportions make me lol so bad. Sometimes the bodies get really big and the heads really small XD i think the artist needs to study on that more. I know its not easy cuz it took me over 15 years to get it right.
Also, the storyboard needs work. The panels arent fluid and feels really random. Its not like you are reading a manga, but like reading a childs book were you go from page to page.
If the author/artist keeps working on it they get there. But i know i wouldnt publish this. It needs a lot of work.

SisterFriede created a topic of See You, My King

Im glad im not the only one confused about about chapter 76. Had trouble reading cuz of my migraine acting up so i thought it was getting bad. But its partly the chapters fault.
Ok time for medicine and off to bed i goo~~

SisterFriede created a topic of The Viper's Raven

It feel like a teenager wrote this. The characters and motives are so random.

SisterFriede created a topic of Golden Opportunity

Jean's ass is bigger then my future....

I hope that blonde piece of sht steps on a lego every day, trips, and hits his toe against the table.

SisterFriede created a topic of Formless

He scared the MC so bad he wet himself? Wtf..... why would you do that!

SisterFriede created a topic of Crush and Burn
SisterFriede created a topic of Eleceed

And thats why Pluton became a dog. He's best boi!!

Where is my nightmare guardian. My nightmares are so frequent it could fix world hunger

SisterFriede created a topic of Formless

I cannot understand you being happy when your partner trembles in fear when he sees you. "hes so cute" when hes crying and terrified. Like wtf is wrong with you?!