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SisterFriede created a topic of Mary Jane

Dayum spanking hurts XD sitting the next day is hell.

SisterFriede created a topic of Thirst

A one man team?! Whoa, thats one talented person here.

SisterFriede created a topic of Eleceed

Omg she thought it was a love confession

SisterFriede created a topic of Hit on By a Kinky Guy

The seme really needs a therapist. Hes clearly struggling and seeing one might help him out.

SisterFriede created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

It runs in the family it seems....

SisterFriede created a topic of Risky Vice

Mc: oK i BeLiEve YoU

SisterFriede created a topic of Eleceed

They look like a married couple XD

SisterFriede created a topic of The Abyss

If you mtl this at least make sure the english is allright

SisterFriede created a topic of Backlight

Poor author.... as someone who has been in the same situation i can say it sucks. I hope he/she found a new place :(

SisterFriede created a topic of A Terrible Romance

......that black hair and hairstyle DOES look good on him.

SisterFriede created a topic of Blaze Out

What stupid doctors in that hospital. After an accident like that they let him walk around like that? Of course hes going to collapse. He has AT LEAST a concussion. *face slap*

SisterFriede created a topic of The Tyrant's Reign

The s*x scene was completely skipped?like wtf?is this the sfw version?

SisterFriede created a topic of See You, My King

Felt more like a marriage proposal hur hur hur 8D

SisterFriede created a topic of Backlight

Disgusting. Im sorry but nothing about chp 24 felt normal. Its his first time! Always be careful with virgins!! If you fuck up they can walk around with a trauma for the rest of their lives.

I had to save a female duck today because she was being raped by five male ducks. At first i thought she was dead because she wouldnt move. I brought her home and put her together with my momma chicken. She kept a close watch on the poor baby. After some food and rest she flew off but came back within the hour cuz of the damn males. So now shes still here under the protection of mommy chicken.

SisterFriede created a topic of Hwang Young's Misery

Prepare yourself people.... traumatic shiet is going to happen.... gosh i was not prepared.

SisterFriede created a topic of Mr. Kang's Son-in-law

This is turning into a soap opera lol

SisterFriede created a topic of 1 to 10

Pls dont do that in a cinema people T_T