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Zee created a topic of Crows like Shiny Things

The baby looks…. Interesting. Rectangle…. Hmmm, yeah.

Zee created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I love your translations from the days of CBATW, and I appreciate them! However, your health is much more important than the complainers. So, please ignore these heartless people in the comments who cannot do or give us a fraction of what you have. Take your time and take care of your health first!

-A fan of yours

Zee followed a list

After reading the main story of the novel for this manwha, I understand the whys behind the ML behavior a lot more, and also the MC. They both have much to work on, but more so the ML.
To me, it was pretty evident throughout the manhwa that the ML does not process things the way most people do. I am not sure if the manhwa explores this as deeply as the novel does. The fact that he behaves so "nicely" towards the MC is a decision he must constantly replay in his mind. If something disrupts this repetition, he reverts to being more terrible than he currently is. ML’s most significant issue is his mind and lack of emotions.

Going by the novel, he will try to change for the MC, and he will, to the point where he is literally unable to sleep without the MC. He will not become a green flag, more of a yellow flag with a tinge of green, but ONLY for the MC and the people important to the MC. He does not and will not care or change for anyone or anything else.

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Zee add manga to list Favorites

An unparalleled beautiful dominant super rich omega suddenly came into my very ordinary life! &ldquo...

  • Author: Jung Seokchan
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons / Smut
Zee created a topic of Nerd Project

There was a chapter 32, but it was removed.

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Zee created a topic of Leveling With The Gods

Relaxing and reading 25 chapters at once was so satisfying and worth the wait. Now, it’s time to wait again. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Zee created a topic of Leveling With The Gods

I’m not sure how to feel about this, but in all my years of reading manwha, this is the first time I’ve even been attracted to one of its fictional characters. Hercules, you can have all of me and more!

Zee created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I will not sit here in these comments and judge people on what they enjoy. Sure, I am reading it, too, and there’s a 99% chance I will skip scenes that are too much for me. What I won’t do is bash others. This is NOT reality. It’s LITERALLY a novel that is made from someone’s imagination for people with the same taste as them or people who are curious.

I don’t understand why people attach reality to a MADE-UP story!! What I read here does not spill over into my daily life or affect me on a visceral level. Honestly, if you cannot separate REALITY from IMAGINATION, then you shouldn’t be reading these Manwhas. OR you’re a self-righteous prick who thinks they are better than others because they complain. Yet you KEEP reading, manwhas filled same content you’re complaining about. You are no better than us. The only difference is that we openly admit it.

Zee created a topic of Look Through You

That was an absolute five stars I loved everything about this manwha. The author did a fantastic job!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Zee created a topic of Gig of the Day

I’m worried about my little puppy! I don’t want him to get hurt or heartbroken

For anyone who wants to read the novel, here’s the link to novel updates. You’ll have to create an account.

The name of the novel is called: This Marriage Is Bound To Sink Anyway

Zee created a topic of Yours to Claim

@mangago, you should consider turning the comments off again. These commentators need a time-out. These ungrateful readers, who are reading the author’s hard work for free, keep bashing and complaining about said author's hard work. I wonder if people don’t realize that most authors are aware of the site and do nothing. Keep it up, and we will lose this site and everything that we love to read.

Zee created a topic of Gig of the Day

This gives off “dangerous convenient store” vibe and I love it!!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Zee like topic of Kiraide Isasete

This argument/fight was bound to happen. Going back to the start of their relationship, you have a teen alpha who suddenly found his fated mate. Seems great? Not really. Looking back, you have a TEENAGER finding his fated mate after being insecure about his 2nd gender for years. Until then, Hazuki hadn't been all into playing the role of an alpha bc of his past experiences and suddenly, finding his fated mate, he wants to fill that protective and reliable alpha role. He pushed himself to mature (and it's been explicitly said so by Naoto as well that he(N) feels that Hazuki is more mature than him despite his age). Hazuki wanted to be someone who protected and cared for his new family, pushing himself to do his best. That's great and all, but he was young and didn't have the same experiences as Naoto so he was always playing a catch up game in terms of experience. His lack of experience and perceived capabilities - especially when Minato came along - really showed compared to Naoto and Hazuki had to deal with those insecurities that came with feeling like he cannot protect or help. We saw him hide and withdraw because he felt that he was being a bad partner and parent by being unable to even hold his baby. They were able to temporarily patch up (not fix entirely) the issue then because Naoto got through Hazuki's insecurities by explaining his previous lack of knowledge and own insecurities about being a single teen parent. Great, but Hazuki still struggles with this gap between him and Naoto. After that they seem fine, and they are okay because they can communicate and help each other out. However, Minato is growing and he's reached the age where he is being a little rebel. Hazuki isn't prepared, they now also have a third child to care for, and that gap is apparent again. Adding to this insecurity, is the fact that Hazuki is not trusting Naoto by doubting if Naoto would stay with him if he found someone more reliable. Naoto of course wouldn't but Hazuki believes that his perceived lack of ability to help Naoto will push him away and that Naoto would find it easy to move on from him. At this moment, things are made worse bc Otoha (if I remember his name right) is good with kids - one of the biggest failings for Hazuki. Hazuki needs to read books and blogs and learn from other parents, but this guy? He appears to be a natural with kids. What Hazuki doesn't see however, is that Otoha most likely has had years of experience with kids, so of course he knows a lot. However, Hazuki's insecurities and his jealousy and his lowering confidence in himself is building up. And in this new chapter we see him blow up - which is something new because he's tried to hide when he feels insecure before - at hearing Naoto compliment someone else on something he has been struggling with. It's not good and I get what he was trying to say, but he did not say anything good. He ended up victim blaming, which of course hurt Naoto because 1) it was a terrible traumatic time for him and 2) Naoto most likely feels betrayed by Hazuki who once told him that he loved him for who he was and would not look down on him for being an Omega. Naoto has been told repeatedly that omega are at fault for whatever happens to them, but Hazuki was different and based on his reaction, Naoto feels a deep anger towards Hazuki now because he used those feelings and experiences against him. I know they're going to work through this, but it is also true that this was bound to happen. Hazuki isn't a bad partner or parent, he always puts his family first and is an active parent. He's never left Naoto to deal with the kids alone on purpose and he takes on doing chores and childcare actively. Naoto, and others, are amazed by how hard Hazuki works to take care of his family while learning to take over his mother's company. In this chapter, Naoto and Shizuku are excited to prepare a surprise birthday for him and there are no negative comments about him napping because they believe he deserves to rest. Naoto was probably even bragging about how good Hazuki is to him. Everyone sees it but Hazuki. He wakes up and immediately scolds himself for napping when he was only supposed to put Aoi to sleep, he worries about not giving Naoto or his mother in law resting time. He believes he should be able to give others rest when he himself needs it, and he sees it as a failure not to do so. He's just really insecure, and honestly I get that. He feels he isn't living up to his role and that he is not being a good parent or partner because of it, when he is already a great parent and partner. He's young, younger than Naoto, so of course he doesn't have all the experience and knowledge that Naoto does and he isn't giving himself grace. He is seeing himself as a failure but at the same time he doesn't want to admit it and he's burst out now, saying the wrong things and taking his frustration of himself out on Naoto.

Poor Shizuku, she left with her parents happily together and will return to them having fought. She's definitely going to be hurt by that. I just hope this fight doesn't last too long, my heart can't take it. ╥﹏╥

Zee created a topic of Bound

…I’m going to assume there will be side stories for this manhwa…

Zee created a topic of Cry Me a River

Don’t do drugs, kids...