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My own favorite crayon August 27, 2023 8:49 am

I'm speechless. This story is truly beautiful.

My own favorite crayon August 21, 2023 4:06 am

Good plot, good twist, sufficient amount of drama, and great art style.

My own favorite crayon August 13, 2023 11:41 am

Shinhae cutieee

My own favorite crayon August 13, 2023 11:40 am

Truth to be told, they are both red flags: Soohyun having a massive inferiority complex BUT so sure of his capabilities. He felt inferior because of Eunsung but he was able to showed his confidence also because of him. Eunsung has sympathy but lacking empathy. Tho, eventually he was able to get back on his feet and fight for what's right and trying to make a better environment for her artists friends.

They are red flags that turns green to each other.

My own favorite crayon July 25, 2023 1:44 pm

This story ghosted us
please comebaaaack!

    @shutup August 7, 2023 4:04 pm


    @shutup August 7, 2023 4:05 pm

    Sorry i thought i was on the homepage.but me too me too i need the updates too

My own favorite crayon July 24, 2023 10:58 pm

People constantly calling Jaekyung manipulative, rapist, etc. And I get it. (I really do, that man is a walking red flag) but all that characteristics is what make his character and the story more interesting (what is his back story? What causes his jink? When is the character development?) all of those make the story more exciting.

And it is just a story. Imagine jaekyung being a green flag (Caring, kind, rich, Gives you the 5 love languages) THE STORY ENDED A FEW CHAPTERS AGO.

    ꜱʜᴏ. July 24, 2023 11:17 pm

    If you can’t read a story without some sort of SA because it’s not interesting.. go outside cus what.

    If an Arthur needs to include some sort of SA just to make things more interesting then.. rethink. (I’m saying in general)

    The only way I’d 100% understand is if it’s not constant or repetitive.

    Also.. there’s LOTS of BLs that are interesting without this stuff !!!

    Wat?Duck! July 24, 2023 11:41 pm

    I'm so sorry, but I think I need clarification. Are you saying that if he wasn't "manipulative, rapist, etc", you would care about "what is his back story? What causes his jink? When is the character development?" Is being a "manipulative, rapist, etc" what makes a character interesting and worth reading a story about? I'm genuinely confused about the message you're trying to convey here.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 12:04 am

    He is manipulative but the people on this page is manipulating other to think he is a rapist from their beliefs and POV instead of story’s POV. Jackyung no matter how much they falsely accused him isn’t a rapist. They need to read the story and educate themselves.

    It appears a few misunderstood what you wanted to convey and decided to insult you instead on their POV.
    This page is why the comments section shouldn’t been brought back.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 12:06 am
    If you can’t read a story without some sort of SA because it’s not interesting.. go outside cus what. If an Arthur needs to include some sort of SA just to make things more interesting then.. rethink. (I’... ꜱʜᴏ.

    Rethink your comment and the OPs. If I understand correctly, you swing and miss.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 12:07 am
    I'm so sorry, but I think I need clarification. Are you saying that if he wasn't "manipulative, rapist, etc", you would care about "what is his back story? What causes his jink? When is the character developmen... Wat?Duck!

    If I understand correctly…. No that isn’t correct.

    toilet terrorist July 25, 2023 12:18 am
    I'm so sorry, but I think I need clarification. Are you saying that if he wasn't "manipulative, rapist, etc", you would care about "what is his back story? What causes his jink? When is the character developmen... Wat?Duck!

    me too lol

    Wat?Duck! July 25, 2023 12:29 am
    He is manipulative but the people on this page is manipulating other to think he is a rapist from their beliefs and POV instead of story’s POV. Jackyung no matter how much they falsely accused him isn’t a r... Mi Amore Anon

    Ugh, I shouldn't have joined this madness, but I did, and now I'm here. Okay. Let me ask you about the misunderstanding [on my part as well]. Can you please explain to me why calling him a rapist is false? [And to avoid misunderstanding - I don't mean any disrespect or sarcasm, I just want to know your opinion]

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 1:16 am
    Ugh, I shouldn't have joined this madness, but I did, and now I'm here. Okay. Let me ask you about the misunderstanding [on my part as well]. Can you please explain to me why calling him a rapist is false? [And... Wat?Duck!

    Sorry to interrupt.

    Rape isn’t sex. If you think rape is sex then seek professional help. Calling him a rapist is false. If we call him a rapist than anyone can be a rapist at any given point- due to one’s thoughts. It is not my opinion.
    Learn how is rape and what isn’t rape.
    Learn what consent is and what it isn’t.

    Chapter 2. Dan consented to sex for money. The story is very clear about this. Joo didn’t force him to consent or Dan was not forced by Joo. Dan is an adult and made this choice. Joo wants sex not rape. He is under the impression he is with someone with experience not an shy inexperienced virgin.

    chapter 2 Page 48 Joo tells him to leave.
    Dan was thought about having sex and 5 thousand dollars than to the sharks. He consented to Joo. Joo didn’t force him to agree. Dan made that choice.
    Dan is wiggling and what Joo says to a wait is just a warning not a threat. Dan starts to not reconsider and tells him. Joo does threaten him but most likely an empty threat giving the go home line later. Dan choice consents. 30/50.
    If this is too much for you- get out. Joo even if he was threatening it. He gave Dan outs.
    Dan consented and stayed both times for the money. Dan makes that clear.
    43/50 Dan said to put it. Joo isn’t a mind reader and thoughts don’t make this rape. Dan says don’t stop. Joo has a mouth here.
    Dan the next time he talks he says he was startled when Joo doesn’t like he is crying. Joo stopped. Joo does not like he is crying but he covers it up.
    26/55. Joo thinks Dan had anal sex before. Joo doesn’t know he is being rough with a shy inexperienced virgin.

    One of those times he said no or stop. He turns around and asking him to be more gentle instead of telling him to stop or I don’t want this. He keeps consenting to Joo.
    Chapter 2 52/ 61 Dan says he never did it before.
    Joo isn’t a rapist. Dan isn’t being honest with him and he didn’t know Dan was virgin that night. He would had did things differently. Dan consented and it was consensual. Consent is Reversible and Dan bouncing back and forth with lies but he mostly consents. Not unless you think Joo is a mind reader or Dan’s thoughts should be hold against Joo.

    Dan could had been more open with him and told him to the truth. Joo would had gone easy on him from Joo’s comments. You have to take in that some of Dan’s no’s are answering Joo’s questions. They don’t count. Dan’s thoughts don’t count.

    Then the fact is Dan never considered it rape and he came back to make a contact to have sex at Joo’s wham.

    Joo told him to leave twice. Joo stop when he seen him crying. Joo say he didn’t have to be gentle since he wasn’t a virgin. He thinks he is with someone experienced that mostly gives him a green light for sex. Rape isn’t about sex. Joo asked for sex and was having sex. He is not a mind reader. He is not a rapist when you actually read the story without your biased opinion. Don’t ask for someone’s opinion when it is the story that counts. The story is clear it isn’t rape. It would be different. But the more people crying wolf is harming real rape survivors and making a serious crime look cheesy. Without cherry picking or lying about the story (taking the story out of context) tell me how he is a rapist. Before you do make sure you check the next spoken line by Dan and the full scene. Then explain why did he do the contract going against rape survivors actions. Why isn’t he acting like a rape survivor? Use survivor. They are survivors. Joo isn’t a rapist.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 1:24 am
    Ugh, I shouldn't have joined this madness, but I did, and now I'm here. Okay. Let me ask you about the misunderstanding [on my part as well]. Can you please explain to me why calling him a rapist is false? [And... Wat?Duck!

    Also don’t use thought bubbles for evidence. Then anyone can be a rapist at any given point.

    —Hey judge I agree to sex with him but I thought during it I don’t want to have it him. I thought he was raping me. I don’t say anything to him or clarify my comments to him but I kept giving him consenting comments. That is basically what it is verbally to what Joo is seeing.

    Thought bubbles like Dan never did it before is a go if making another point as I did.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 1:46 am

    Let me see if I can help….. people on here is constantly complaining about Jaekyung and the OP gets it — JeaKyung is toxic.

    That toxic behavior is something that makes this story stand out and interesting— not saying only toxic stories are toxic. (What were they thinking?). It is clear it is about this story not saying the only toxicity creates a interesting story. Sheesh. A non toxic story is exciting. This one is exciting for different reasons. Get with it people!

    At the end of the day this is just a story. One day we when had the story ending and Jaekyung being a green flag. How is something so simple and easy to read cause so much misunderstanding here.

    Wat?Duck! July 25, 2023 1:59 am
    Sorry to interrupt. Rape isn’t sex. If you think rape is sex then seek professional help. Calling him a rapist is false. If we call him a rapist than anyone can be a rapist at any given point- due to one’... Torakaze

    Thank you for such a lengthy reply. However, I disagree with many of your points, but I lack your vigor, so I’ll reply only to the main ones.

    Simply because the victim doesn’t see something as a problem, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t. Example from real life [so no one can say, “It’s just fiction, what are you so worked up about?”]: I have a co-worker and his sister is in a relationship with a guy. Her boyfriend beat her up, and a couple of weeks back, he even hit her with his car, and she ended up in a hospital. Her family tells her that she should break up with him and report him to the police. She refuses because she says she loves him and that whatever he’s doing is totally okay. So, who is right here? Is her boyfriend an abuser [as her family and any normal person see him], or is he totally okay [as she says]? Who should get some professional help? The family or the sister?

    Now, to the subject of rape. It seems you have never actually read anything about or dealt with such complicated situations yourself. So to give you something to think about, here’s a definition of what cannot be considered consent from the “Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network,” an organization dedicated to helping victims of sexual crimes: “Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious. If someone agrees to an activity under pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t considered consent because it was not given freely. Unequal power dynamics, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, also mean that consent cannot be freely given.” So please, stop throwing the word “consent” so easily.

    So, I’ll finish with a quote: “Learn how is rape and what isn’t rape. Learn what consent is and what it isn’t.”

    Wat?Duck! July 25, 2023 2:13 am

    Actually, if a person is doing it against their will because they feel like they have NO CHOICE but to agree, that’s absolute rape. And yes, given evidence of a threat, coercion, or unequal power dynamic, cases like that would be ruled in favor of the victim. Simply because someone says “yes” doesn't mean that they’re giving their consent. Sorry for copy-paste, but I’ll quote RAINN again: “Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious. If someone agrees to an activity under pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t considered consent because it was not given freely. Unequal power dynamics, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, also mean that consent cannot be freely given.”

    Making someone say “yes” by force, money, or a threat does not qualify as getting consent. If that were in real life, ML would be sent to prison in any democratic country with a decent constitution. The issue is that victims often don’t speak up due to various people attacking them with the same logic as the one included in your post.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 2:22 am
    Thank you for such a lengthy reply. However, I disagree with many of your points, but I lack your vigor, so I’ll reply only to the main ones.Simply because the victim doesn’t see something as a problem, it ... Wat?Duck!

    Me. Story point. Story point. Story point.
    You. I disagree with you on your points.
    You can disagree with the story and expose yourself.
    Figures you could do it and cowered with lies. Your reply is just disgusting and disrespectful behavior trying to discredit your opponent when your know your wrong. It is not hard to admit your wrong. Try it some time. Your ignorance is showing btw.

    With the real life story you know the answer, That was ridiculous to bring here. Whataboutism = It is a sign you know you’re wrong. In some weird way if I said the truth she needs to break up with him. Seek help and report it. It will validate you here on this story. The one line one this story is disrespectful and dismissive. However, Joo isn’t a rapist.

    You misjudged me but that is your way of looking superior because you know your wrong. It is a way to discredit your “opponent”. The story speaks for itself, doesn’t it. Joo I am a rape crisis counselor. The definition you posted proves it is not rape. Dan consented many times. This story has no rape. Dan consented on his own free will. You took the story out of context. Stop throwing the word rape so easily.

    Please Learn what rape is and isn’t. Learn what consented isn’t and what it is. That was me being helpful not insulting you.
    Learn that you just took the L here by your immature methods. Dan consented. He is an adult and was not forced. Try again without lying and taking the story out of context.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 2:34 am
    Actually, if a person is doing it against their will because they feel like they have NO CHOICE but to agree, that’s absolute rape. And yes, given evidence of a threat, coercion, or unequal power dynamic, cas... Wat?Duck!

    Dan consented. Dan could had said no. Joo told him to leave twice. Dan stayed. Dan consented. The story does not support you. Dan was not raped by Joo. I fully understand RAINN. If you read it and compare it to the story. You are debunking your own argument.
    I am going to have to use your yes line for the thread because the reverse can be said too. Lol. You are digging that hole. That quote from RAINN doesn’t fit this story. Beside one line but that was in the middle and Joo tells him to go home after that. Dan choses to stay. He could leave. He could tell the truth. He could speak up. But he chose to consent.
    Joo didn’t force him to say yes. You have to lie to make your POV real. They are before consent adults that came to an agreement. It would be thrown out of the courts. Because Dan freely consent on his own free will many times. You have no argument or case. No victims don’t speak up for many reasons and none of them are in my post. Please educate yourself more.
    I am a rape crisis counselor. I see through you.

    Wat?Duck! July 25, 2023 2:50 am
    Me. Story point. Story point. Story point. You. I disagree with you on your points. You can disagree with the story and expose yourself. Figures you could do it and cowered with lies. Your reply is just disgus... Torakaze

    I apologize for switching to a personal level. However, since you did it first, I feel free to follow.

    You keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I give you points for persistence, but honestly, it sounds like it's the only thing you have to say. I hope it's not to convince yourself or because you have nothing else to say.

    I'm getting the impression that you're simply looking for a fight here, but I don't feel the need to do so, nor to prove myself or any of my beliefs to anyone. And, of course, not to explain definitions and their application to any particular situation. I simply asked another person, not you, for clarification, and I hope to get it from them.

    Please do not call people immature or having disgusting and disrespectful behavior while showing no respect yourself. This sort of argument won't do you any favors.

    If the story spoke for itself, there wouldn't be so many people pointing out issues, and you would try so desperately to defend it.

    Wat?Duck! July 25, 2023 3:01 am
    Dan consented. Dan could had said no. Joo told him to leave twice. Dan stayed. Dan consented. The story does not support you. Dan was not raped by Joo. I fully understand RAINN. If you read it and compare ... Torakaze

    I apologize, but seeing you repeat "Dan consented" over and over again makes me highly doubt that you're anywhere close to being a rape crisis counselor unless the job description for that particular position says, "Ask the person whether they said Yes. If they did - congratulations, your job is done. It was definitely not a rape."

    Anyway, that's not the point here. It seems you're in dire need of proving something, but I'm choosing not to continue this conversation as it's extremely unproductive. I hope you will apply your energy somewhere more appropriate.

    Sending lots of love! Bye!

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 3:18 am
    I apologize for switching to a personal level. However, since you did it first, I feel free to follow.You keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I give you points for persistence, but honestly, it s... Wat?Duck!

    I switch to a personal level? Sigh. Trolling tactics- That was the opposite of the truth. It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself. You claim I have repeated myself and claimed I have nothing else to say. Do you want to go with that. Let’s refresh your mind I was deeply detailed with 2-4. There is 29 chapters. I have plenty to say and many essays to I could write. I can describe rape and consent. Do you want do go down that path because you are insecure and can’t handle being wrong. Here you thought that was a nice lie to harm me to feel better about yourself and feel superior. I am seeking conversation and teaching others. If you get the impression of a seeking a fight you are reading your trolling comments. You are cowering.
    Mi Amore is my friend. She asked me to explain since I had it already written. Why are you making this about your proving yourself or your beliefs?
    If she tries to explain to you have respect. I didn’t call you immature. Try again. I have been respectful. Stop lying. You have been disrespectful and having disgusting behavior. You have been dishonest. This argument is on you. I only explained and asked you to explain. Instead you insult me. Try again. The story does speak for itself but too many people want to desperately cry wolf.
    I am defending it for a few reasons but I am not desperately trying to defend it. That shows who is trying to hurt others and fight. I have no opinion about the story. I am a neutral person who is friends with people who love Yaoi. I am called in to analyze or settle something. My wife, my best friend, and their friends love Yaoi. I am just a straight male who read Yaoi on occasion for friends. You are desperately trying to discredit me using immature tactics because you know you are wrong. You should stop hiding and cowering. Your strategy is nothing but insults and lies. How weak. This is when you should know those tactics and lies don’t work on me but reflects on who you are. The one you are harming here is you. You are exposing yourself.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 3:28 am
    I apologize, but seeing you repeat "Dan consented" over and over again makes me highly doubt that you're anywhere close to being a rape crisis counselor unless the job description for that particular position s... Wat?Duck!

    Oh that is what you was talking about. I was repeating for a reason. It seems it worked. I forgot all about it. Hahaha

    Kookie July 25, 2023 5:35 pm
    I apologize, but seeing you repeat "Dan consented" over and over again makes me highly doubt that you're anywhere close to being a rape crisis counselor unless the job description for that particular position s... Wat?Duck!

    bro don't bother, it'll just waste your time explaining them

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 5:39 pm
    bro don't bother, it'll just waste your time explaining them Kookie

    Translation: Don’t brother try to troll Tora or force your POV on him when he is telling the truth to which we don’t want to hear and will act juvenile about it.

    If you read Wat?Duck! Left. Or waiting on me.

    You are just stirring up troubles.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 5:41 pm
    bro don't bother, it'll just waste your time explaining them Kookie

    Tora is easy to get along with unless you’re a bad faith actor. Trolls, bullies, and bad faith actors can’t handle Tora. It is funny to watch.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 5:47 pm
    Thank you for such a lengthy reply. However, I disagree with many of your points, but I lack your vigor, so I’ll reply only to the main ones.Simply because the victim doesn’t see something as a problem, it ... Wat?Duck!

    Instead of listening and resolving. You imposed. You made the story his opinion. Illogical.

    You brought up irrelevant facts to make a point because you believe you are right by your POV that you dismissed the story and Tora altogether.

    Then you assume things about him forcing your false narrative. He explaining to you.

    You tried to degrading him due to being wrong. You were disgustingly disrespectful to him. Why would I want to talk to you and explain the story to you to be treated the same way?

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 5:51 pm
    Actually, if a person is doing it against their will because they feel like they have NO CHOICE but to agree, that’s absolute rape. And yes, given evidence of a threat, coercion, or unequal power dynamic, cas... Wat?Duck!

    Dan could had said no. Dan had a choice. He was not forced to pick. He had his free will.

    If you are making this rape. Joo doesn’t know. Joo was unaware of Dan’s thoughts and predicament.

    Joo is asking for sex for money. We know about Dan’s predicament. If we didn’t you would not be here falsely accusing Joo and lying about the story or lying about Tora.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 5:57 pm
    I apologize, but seeing you repeat "Dan consented" over and over again makes me highly doubt that you're anywhere close to being a rape crisis counselor unless the job description for that particular position s... Wat?Duck!

    “ So please, stop throwing the word “consent” so easily.”
    You were acting like a bad faith actor. You made the story his points, tried to degrade him and more.

    Tora poked the bear to see what you would do.
    It is illogical to use that line on his counseling abilities. You gave him the evidence he needed to know you were acting in bad faith. How you responded here was in bad faith. I think all of your comments to Tora was in bad faith. And bad faith actors don’t do well with Tora.

    Mi Amore Anon July 25, 2023 6:07 pm
    I apologize for switching to a personal level. However, since you did it first, I feel free to follow.You keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I give you points for persistence, but honestly, it s... Wat?Duck!

    Tora doesn’t look for fights. When insulting others trying to think it out. He pointed out the reason. I can’t believe you made that mistake. He would go back and made lengthy reviews of all the chapters and add links from Rainn if he wanted to. If he took the time to write a lengthy reply. He would do that. Why not talk to people instead of insulting with lies? Do you know how to have a conversation or how social media ruin that for you? That reply doesn’t even correspond to this conversation.
    He explained the story. You dismissed as his POV. What do you want from me. A script? That you would dismiss because it doesn’t fit your false narrative of the story that contradicts your beliefs.
    He is right the story does speak for itself but we have people not understanding it to people causing drama from laugh at people.
    Joo isn’t a rapist. There is no rape in this story.

    Kookie July 25, 2023 6:17 pm
    Translation: Don’t brother try to troll Tora or force your POV on him when he is telling the truth to which we don’t want to hear and will act juvenile about it. If you read Wat?Duck! Left. Or waiting on ... Mi Amore Anon

    girl what , there's literally so little truth in what he said yeah I get I yall like that mofo but c'mon there's literally power dynamic which plays in big role in here, Dan doesn't have much choice in here, he's indebted and needs money for both the hospital fees and the debt, I'd why yall try to be this dense

    Kookie July 25, 2023 6:22 pm
    Tora is easy to get along with unless you’re a bad faith actor. Trolls, bullies, and bad faith actors can’t handle Tora. It is funny to watch. Mi Amore Anon

    girl you done, that shit sounded something 12 y.o would say, and ain't no way you called people bully and troll for not agreeing with one person touching grass ain't enough for yall , yall need to bathe in it

    sam July 25, 2023 6:30 pm
    girl you done, that shit sounded something 12 y.o would say, and ain't no way you called people bully and troll for not agreeing with one person touching grass ain't enough for yall , yall need to bathe in it Kookie

    I am 200% sure they are lmfao no sane adult be acting like that.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 6:42 pm
    Translation: Don’t brother try to troll Tora or force your POV on him when he is telling the truth to which we don’t want to hear and will act juvenile about it. If you read Wat?Duck! Left. Or waiting on ... Mi Amore Anon

    That is a different profile. It could be the same user. I don’t know. If I had two profiles here. I would not want to have one letter different.

    But same or different person. I have not spoken with this profile “Kookie”, to my knowledge. I don’t know why they did a response like that. .
    I was talking to a “cookie”.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 6:44 pm
    girl what , there's literally so little truth in what he said yeah I get I yall like that mofo but c'mon there's literally power dynamic which plays in big role in here, Dan doesn't have much choice in here, h... Kookie

    Your reply is dense. You are attacking that is a sign of a loss.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 6:51 pm
    girl you done, that shit sounded something 12 y.o would say, and ain't no way you called people bully and troll for not agreeing with one person touching grass ain't enough for yall , yall need to bathe in it Kookie

    Your opinion is your opinion. It isn’t accurate. Your method is childish and disrespectful. Her was a statement and advice. It was of an adult. Get it straight.
    Did she call someone a bully or troll? No. But she must had hit the nail on the head. Thanks for letting us know and exposing yourself there.

    This isn’t about someone agreeing or disagreeing with us. Stop lying and making up BS. Good advice for you since you can’t get the facts straight here that you have to insult others because you being called out when you are wrong. Please educate your on what rape is and isn’t. Please read the story and stop taking it out of context for disgusting narratives that harms real rape survivors.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 6:55 pm
    Translation: Don’t brother try to troll Tora or force your POV on him when he is telling the truth to which we don’t want to hear and will act juvenile about it. If you read Wat?Duck! Left. Or waiting on ... Mi Amore Anon

    Sam has me blocked. I unblocked Sam a few days ago.

    For Sam. Learn what an adult is. Learn what trolling says about you. Only cowardly people trolls. That is research not my opinion. Thanks for sharing she is being an adult. That is what you meant to say. I can see through you and understand pathetic tactics.
    Good luck.

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 7:00 pm
    Tora is easy to get along with unless you’re a bad faith actor. Trolls, bullies, and bad faith actors can’t handle Tora. It is funny to watch. Mi Amore Anon

    Okay this comment stir that?

    Torakaze July 25, 2023 7:49 pm
    Tora is easy to get along with unless you’re a bad faith actor. Trolls, bullies, and bad faith actors can’t handle Tora. It is funny to watch. Mi Amore Anon

    Okay this comment stir that? The rest of my comment is missing.
    You genuinely advise them that someone isn’t easy to get along with unless you have bad intentions.
    You list some nouns and you don’t call anyone those nouns but get excused of it. Okay?
    People being those nouns has nothing about disagreeing with opinions. You comment isn’t about disagreeing with us. Only bad faith actors would make their insults and bad behavior “a disagreement”. Those responses exposed themselves.
    Lol. You: an tree is green.
    A response: Only a child would say that. Degrading statement. statement with lies and false accusations. Insult statement. The kitchen sink. The cherry on the top.

    The writer of the response: Yeah that would show her!

    You (and me) :*slowly backs away from the bad faith actor having a tantrum over nothing.* There there. Do you want a tissue?

    Seriously that comment stir up all that.

My own favorite crayon July 24, 2023 10:46 pm

Jaekyung the visual king

My own favorite crayon July 24, 2023 10:46 pm

This is just a hunch but seeing the reaction of Jaekyung on the film where the woman is moaning, I think he is really a gay not a chance that he is a bi.

My own favorite crayon July 24, 2023 9:39 am

Jae-Woo's glow up finish it all

My own favorite crayon July 24, 2023 9:38 am

Is it just me but the cream pie part of the story was the cherry on top

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