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armyan created a topic of Guilty

it just went on for soooo long it felt like everybody was dragging it lol. i don’t feel bad for rui, the dad, or the moms css there were so many choices. i also don’t like how akiyamas character was solely based on protecting rui css what about your kid sir??? and omg WHY DID SHE END UP W THE HUSBAND AGAIN?? like she coulda chose the co-worker or anyoneeeee else like he clearly was not worried abt her until the end and it’s sad. also i feel like telling shun that it was the wrong girl would be for the best bc what if they see each other in the future and he try’s to kill her again not knowing the truth? on top of that i seriously don’t like how they always save the evil characters from punishment. like rui or her mother doesn’t deserve happiness. she literally led multiple ppl to commit suicide or try. and that shit she said about it being their choice to be used by her or cheating & doing what they did is bs bc it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for her.