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somei yoshino's experience ( All 1 )

is there any manga/anime character that are old enough to be your grandad/grandma but you wouldn’t hesitate to call them daddy or mami?? like I don’t care if your genitalia sag and wrinkle, I’d still suck them for you. you’ve got pelvis/hip/back problems?? fine, ill peg you for the back or the front. whichever way doesn’t dislocate your ......   reply
30 12,2020

somei yoshino's answer ( All 8 )

about question
the carat fandom (seventeen) there are obviously gonna be the few toxic fans (like most, if not all, fandoms) but a mostly unproblematic fandom for an unproblematic kpop group. check out sheikh jamal, jawed and Hassan   reply
25 04,2021
do I have a thing for yakuza/mafia men?? ummmm....yes I mean....I ain’t looking for Al chapone but....the personification of anyone from raise wa tanin ga ii will have me deader than the st valentine massacre.   1 reply
13 04,2021
cat boy Aren kuboyasu?? yes. it gives me life and death. it’s keeps me on earth yet it makes me ascend.   reply
15 02,2021
flavours of youth. your name. garden of words. a silent voice. any studio ghibli movie. in conclusion, i can’t afford therapy.   1 reply
04 02,2021
tell me why my parents have said things worse than this?? this is some intermediate bullshit.   1 reply
25 01,2021

somei yoshino's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do survived suicide

sick of people

3 hours
did survived suicide

crazy experience

8 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

12 hours