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Karma868 created a topic of Jinx

i dont understand how this situation is getting progressively worse, like i thought nothing could beat that last convo between them but here we are...

Karma868 created a topic of Surely a Happy Ending

when is the official coming out??

Karma868 created a topic of Sunshine Shower

something iv learned over the past few chapters, the semes not gay

if anyone didnt pick up on my sarcasm... that was sarcasm.

pls pls let this happen, i might end it all if they dont go through with this

i really dont want them to end up together, the bottom deserves so much better, like even if u just look at their qualities, hes hardworking, smart, genuine and kind, good looking too and the tops just a insecure old man who want what he want regardless of how it hurts others, hes just everything u dont want in a man altogether

Karma868 created a topic of Forbidden Odd Melody

yep, dropped. shes so fucking stupid it hurts

Karma868 created a topic of Darkness Before The Dawn

i bit more would have been nice, id like to see them be together, just a bit

Karma868 created a topic of Bad Friend

what the fuck? whys he talking like hes on some mission? like hes accomplishing something grand?? ur just horny, get over it

Karma868 created a topic of PASSION

the worst worst possible outcome

Karma868 created a topic of Half of Me

this is so so so good, i wish it was complete. im dying, so good. losing all my vocabulary

Karma868 created a topic of Profundis

its like theyre purposely trying to ruin every other character so that the main guy looks better and we have no choice but to ship them.

Karma868 created a topic of Backlight

could i get some spoilers so i can drop this shit

i really hate the mother, like i dont give a shit about her reasons, i just hate her.

part of me cant take this seriously cause we saw them when they were kids, so im like how did u grow up to be like this, uve changed...

thats the only question hes going to answer flawlessly.

Karma868 created a topic of Guiding Hazard

that what they mean by breaking the head board

Karma868 created a topic of Darkness Before The Dawn

what the fuck........................ im in shock, but im not shocked. that was just so out of no where. like we might never see each other again, ps, their dead.

so whens the official coming out? im so done with these shit translation, stop messing up good work

Karma868 created a topic of No Secrets Between Us

i would have liked the older brother wayyyyy more if he wasnt an important character. since i had to see him so much there were so many part of him that just werent nice, like i get wanting to keep ur personal info to ur self, but the way he came off was just not it. also i felt like the second couple was there just to prove that the other guy doesn't have feelings for the older brother anymore. in the end, the younger brother is the only solid character there, i continued it to see more of him.

i thought she wasnt going to fall again, at least not this quick. a bit disappointed