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Mynari's experience ( All 0 )

Mynari's answer ( All 2 )

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Thank goodness not, which is surprising. I grew up in a strict religious household and my mom is kinda homophobic? Like she doesn't necessarily hate them but she does say a bunch of homophobic things, but as a kid i've always been the "super suspiciously ally" which no shit, turns out im queer ☠️   reply
11 08,2023
This was back in high school but people would call me the schools "emo" because i used to dress alternative for a while. It got so bad to the point they still make joke references about me even after I graduated (I heard about it from a friend who still attends the school) i dont really care since its been a few years but its funny   reply
31 07,2023

Mynari's question ( All 0 )