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AXCEL created a topic of The Wolf Lord's Lady

The assassins during the ball wasn't set up by the princess, but was actually meant FOR the princess, BY the prince faction. MC unintentionally thwarted a plan that could've ended the brat's madness
The prince faction instead, decided to have the brat fall from grace. BUT, I have a few questions:
Why do they need Shirley as a scape goat /have her killed?
They could've just added her detainment as another reason for the brat's madness and ineligibility to rule. Will the cons of having Reius and Gimmy(?) become an enemy outweight the pros of such endeavours?
If Caid puts his mind to it, he can start a rebellion (I hope).
Assuming the faction's reach in the palace is deep, why not set up another band of assassins to kill the princess?
Because they can't think of a way to make it untraceable to the prince? (Ie his eligibility decreases if he's incriminated in the death of the princess)
Given the amount of damage the brat did to them, why maintain MC and co as enemies? Wouldn't if be more helpful for the deluded faction to have them as allies, esp when after the brat is out of the picture?
If they were aware of her madness, why empower her at all???
Exactly how do they think the prince will take this in after everything?
What if the prince discovered everything and found a way to pass the throne to someone else, out of guilt?
This arc better have sufficient story significance. It better not be this tragic just to put its audience and main cast through the wringer. (PLEASE. It's a really good story so far, please keep it so.)

AXCEL created a topic of Someone Like You

Not "why are you thinking that way, that's wrong/weird!"
- outright denial / criticism of fear
Not empty words of "that's okay, just believe that it's going to be okay"
- surface level validation and/or groundless faith
But ACTUAL ACTIONS to address that fear / anxiety
- what can we do to prevent its fruition/ deal with its consequences

I am aware such a response isn't always feasible or productive. But in such situations, I find it much more helpful.

AXCEL created a topic of The Wolf Lord's Lady


WHY ARE the king and prince so powerless against her???

HOW the fuck did such a deranged situation come to be?
WHAT allowed / enabled it to be?
Her magically gaslighting powers? <- not saying this is impossible/dumb

AXCEL created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I mean, I can understand using whatever reason in order to meet him and talk to him again, however briefly.
But to not realize/suspect that he's in a rut?
Even other oblivious beta I've read about weren't that bad.
Was he living under a rock?
Then again, he did have absolute faith in his beta-ness.
Guess he didn't expect to fall victim to the heat
Maybe he didn't think the consequences will be that bad (since he thought he wasn't omega)
Doesn't make it "right" though

Either he gets a HUMONGOUS AND AMAZING chara development
They divorce. She relocates, gets Kanon as disciple/assistant, and sets up shop as a whimsical witch who overtly helps people in need.
It's not like she'll need the count / nobility / money at this point (since she's OP?)

Oh man. The last chapter reduces his ML potential by A LOT.
Now, super hoping for option 2 too.

AXCEL created a topic of Pure Love Operation

I was afraid she won't be able to confess

I really love how she's raising them as "modern independent women" without outright disregard nor disrespect for their society's current norms

AXCEL created a topic of Reunion

I LOVE it when a possessive character tries to give a heads up to the object of their affection


The art is definitely a different level all togther

Gosh, I sure hope the seme notices (and soon) that the uke's odd obsession with being his butler isn't simply a personality trait.

I mean, it'll be too painful for the uke if he expects him to get out of the "programming" all by himself (and w/o taking out the "programmer" from the equation)

And, honestly, for me, that's what will salvage the seme -> if he notices and deals with the system that fucked things up

AXCEL created a topic of Shishi no Odoriko

They're faces.... it's so expressive, I love it
ლ(´ڡ`ლ) (*>∀<*)

AXCEL created a topic of Perfect Buddy

Oh god.
He's so fricking adorable, I'm starting to wonder what it would be like to have a cuddly teddy bear or a sweet tiger
(Though I'm super intimidated by big muscular people irl)

Also, woah, I didn't expect chara development for that guy~
Hope he becomes another bestie~
(And maybe makes us see a pouty younchan teehee)

AXCEL created a topic of Stigmata

Geneology was never my strong suit (nor my memory)

May someone please enlighten me about the scenario regarding the Mayee Clan?

- who died? (Not the the name)
- what does his death signify/imply
- why is the duke (the father of OG!Sion?) Happy with his death
- why is tatiana involved in this issue

Thank you so much kind soul!!!!

AXCEL created a topic of Profundis

He.... is so irreparably broken, I don't I can ever bring myself to hate him.

Really, I pity them all.

Even if they defeat almuten, they'll never be completely saved are they?

I guess, this is a tragedy I'm willing to see to the end.

AXCEL created a topic of Skip to Loafer

Oh. GWARSH. That's fricking adorable!!!

Also, was he talking formally 'cause he felt Nao-chan watching?

AXCEL created a topic of Manhattan Romance

Wasn't her works the ones that were also circulating in the black market???
Does this mean both mother and child were taken advantage of (as artists) ????
Man, that's sad.

AXCEL created a topic of I'm Stanning the Prince

Oh no. I think I forgot too many details.
I got super confused with the first part~
Like, why and what was happening there???

Okay. That's it. I can put this on hold now.

Sorry, constant miscommunication is no longer my thing :))

AXCEL like topic of Perfect Buddy

Still wondering what's tf with the whole mystery about the coworkers who hated the uke like, is there any light for that topic? Or we already move from that?

Because of his sheer incompetence -> an unforgivable for a man if his position.

Say, DID he truly wish to be put on the throne? Or was he forced / manipulated by the Queen into it?

I almost had hope that "better late than never" applies to him, but I don't think so.
Sure, there's guilt there, but his reaction says that he will still only make a move if it benefits him