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I have always wanted more after I have read “At the end of the road” MY WISH HAS BEEN FULLFILLED


Ong It’s the bed that seyoung falls asleep on in Heejae’s room. Wowwww It makes sense now how Heejae was pressuring seeyounh to sleep over that day


Will we be getting side stories? No? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Red to all but green to him (I know he is a manipulator but he was just being silly

I am loving the chasing arc (Oh wait He was the only chaser from the start hahahaha, how pathetic)


Now can someone recommend me criminal x detective BLS?

Everyone in this story only got one brain cell each..

Not me reading the latest updates and then go back to the early chapters with same events to get the both POVs of the same story lol

Kids, if you wanna master how to take revenge, just don’t follow heejae’s ways…

No one:
Every ESTP character: I like you but you’re going to like me more

My man’s revenge only lasted 2 days and disappeared so quick lol


The hand size difference is so cute ╥﹏╥

The fall of playboy and the rise of dick for a cute loser boy

Bro is really good at gaslighting himself

They are like two brain cells and both brain cells belong to Garam

At first I was like this is one of the cutest love triangles I have read and then the next second, I was pulling my heart out, yelling and rolling on the ground…I wasnt even sure I was reading same manhwa or not TT Lord pls Take all of hajin sufferings and gave it to Gege Akutami

What does he mean ‘I’ll throw him away’ He is saying as if he wasn’t a desperate chaser from the start.

Gojo’s left ball created a topic of Perfect Buddy

We gonna see someone’s funeral


the whole time in my head ‘Walk em like a dog sis” playing