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rou2x created a topic of Limit Breaker

bro became the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world

rou2x created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

i caught up to the latest chapter wtf am i gonna do with my life now

rou2x created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun


rou2x asked a question

does anyone know any manga/manhwa with the most gut-wrenching and unexpected betrayals? like i want it to be really unpredictable and it would be soooo much better if it wasn't revealed immediately. i want the "traitor" to be someone that everyone (including the readers) really trusted. i want to be broken!!!

imagine if he named her tyronia instead lmao

rou2x asked a question

is black butler worth reading??

so far im intrigued but mc doing the >:-) face or the smug smirk face every 2 seconds is so annoying like dude we get it u have a plan chill

rou2x created a topic of Yotsubato!

was sobbing crying like 30 mins ago and my brain's immediate reaction was 'reread yotsuba' and so i did, best decision ever

rou2x created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

is the novel completed? if so, does anyone have a link ^^

rou2x asked a question

so... there's this one smut manhwa (colored) where in she's in a bus and all i can remember is that all the men in the bus you knowwww all of them vs her... but in the end it was all her imagination? i think that was the first few chapters.

rou2x asked a question

so... there's this one smut manhwa (colored) where in she's in a bus and all i can remember is that all the men in the bus you knowwww all of them vs her... but in the end it was all her imagination? i think that was the first few chapters. MY FRIEND REALLY WANTS TO SEE IT AGAIN LMAOOOO

there's so much happening, so many children, so many characters, so much for 50 chapters but im soooo invested

With the deepest gratitude and a heart overflowing with jubilation, I extend my sincerest thanks to all who championed the cause of translation and brought forth the bountiful fruits of victory. Your valorous endeavors have bestowed upon us the greatest of gifts: the restoration of access to the cherished manhwa, a treasure trove of wonder and delight. In the annals of our quest, your names shall be enshrined as beacons of hope and catalysts of joy, for it is through your unwavering dedication that the flame of passion continues to burn brightly in our souls. May the heavens themselves sing praises to your noble deeds, and may your benevolence be forever remembered in the tapestry of our shared triumph.

rou2x created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

diana's delusions aside, what truly irks me is her hypocrisy. she refuses to forgive kael for his actions, yet she fails to recognize that her current status as crown princess is directly attributed to what he did. she condemns kael for coercing someone into committing suicide, yet she conveniently ignores the fact that she's profiting from the very same actions she deems as sinful. like why did she accept the position (being a crown princess) when she knows that it was ill-gotten? why did she accept it when she knows that someone was murdered just for the sake that she can be the crown princess? it's such a contradiction in her moral stance.

it's intriguing how the situation presents parallel narratives.

kael was shut off by both the crown prince and diana for pushing someone to their death.

while the crown prince and diana doesn't even realize what they've done to kael. the irony lies in their oblivion to the fact that they, too, have played a role in pushing someone to their death.

meaning, if kael is a sinner, then the crown prince and diana would be one too. in fact, they're more of a sinner than kael because kael knows what he did wrong, he holds himself accountable. their failure to recognize their own complicity in similar scenarios shows the hypocrisy within their judgment.

rou2x created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

may i ask what volume and chapter is this on the light novel? thank u!

rou2x created a topic of Debut or Die

imagine creating a webtoon about an idol survival show THEN ACTUALLY DEBUTING THEM IRL?? but not as real people.. but like PLAVE! goshhhh i need sleep

rou2x created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

that was such a good read!! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

hello i cant remember when i finished the main story but i havent read the new chapters yet. my question is if legis ever finds out that MC remembers her past life? i think it didn't happened in the main story so im asking this question because there are new chapters now. hihi thats all thanks!

im enjoying the story and i can't wait to make sense of it all but if there's one thing that im really curious about is that if louise's family actually love her THAT much, i wonder why it took them so long to make a move? like louise of the past have to suffer that much and die in the end.

i know that there's the possibility that they really thought that louise abandoned them because of the intercepted letters but yooo nevertheless, she was just a child when she was taken away.

also im not saying that they're not doing anything for louise okay? but get this, they're a ducal family, crazy rich, and has elemental powers.. if my child or sister, who i love sooooo soooo dearly was taken from me. i would've done everything in the fastest way possible because who knows what they're doing to my child/sister over there, right?

sorry maybe im just reflecting my father issues here idk am i making sense (´;︵;`)

the story has great potential but this thought has just been bothering me the whole time im reading this. i hope there will be an explanation soon. i want justice for louise!!!

I humbly implore you to heed my heartfelt plea and undertake the noble task of translating the captivating manhwa that has enraptured my soul. With each stroke of your pen, breathe life into its wondrous tales, lifting the veil of language barriers and allowing enthusiasts like myself to immerse fully in its enchanting world. Let not its beauty be confined to the silence of untranslated pages, but rather, let it resonate across borders, uniting hearts in the shared joy of storytelling. I beseech you, in the name of all who yearn for understanding, to embark upon this journey with me, and together, let us unravel the mysteries and embrace the wonders that await within the pages of this cherished masterpiece.