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I don't want to jinx it but the amount of upload we've been getting lately has me SPOILED and insanely HAPPY

Thank you Dana for all your translations so far !!

Omgggg???? Is the slow burn slowing the burn????

May this be the last time africa is mentioned in this manhwa.

I read this chapter SWEATING !
At least the entire chapter was cute and fluffy.
Now let's brace ourselves for the drop ...

Datte~chan created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

The bigger the delulu the bigger the fallulu and I can't wait for that to happen

Datte~chan created a topic of Turning

Yuder has my whole heart.
How can he be so pretty !

it wouldn't hurt to watch a few shows, read and learn about another country's culture before making it part of your plot ... I mean come on.

Datte~chan created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

Should have known NOT to read this chapter in public
who the hell is chopping onions on a bus ??

The emperor is moving from a gross oedipus complex trash to an undeserving possessive delusional trash.
Both version suck.

Kicked my feet and giggled while reading this chapter

I mean,
I doubt they had any real means of contraception back then so don't be too shocked Rein

Datte~chan created a topic of Profundis

Why are all esper/guide manhwas either sex obssessed or rape obssessed ?

Datte~chan created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Can't wait for her downfall

Datte~chan created a topic of Waterside Night

Red flag here
Green flag there
This man is a whole christmas theme lately I love it

Datte~chan created a topic of Monochrome Rumor