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pieckfingersgf did ( All 1 )

skipping class

pieckfingersgf's experience ( All 0 )

pieckfingersgf's answer ( All 5 )

about question
This but im like two shades darker   reply
15 06,2021
about question
ngl this made me laugh so I don't think I can answer your question....   reply
15 06,2021
about question
i've also had to wipe the shit off their asses when they were younger an indirect kiss is nothing   reply
24 04,2021
pieckfingersgf 08 03,2021
hey bestie......i could have lived a long happy life without knowing this(• ◡•)   reply
08 03,2021

pieckfingersgf's question ( All 1 )

about question
i'm bored and don't know what to read, do you guy have any recommendations? I'm not picky I read yuri, yaoi, straight relationships, isekai, etc: as long as it's not like incest or anything like that i'm good(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
15 06,2021