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Cokit created a topic of Everyone Regressed Except Me

Instead of the mc saying "swallow this" my mind went "om nom nom"

Cokit created a topic of Be the Actor

I love the story behind the movie cover in ch.68, the hand coming out of the water.

Drug addiction is real and its hard on the victim too. It's like cigarettes it can cause cancer but can't just be put down all at once. Otherwise it'd cause health problems and serious withdrawal symptoms.
Also the victims were not told about the drugged cookies so I'd be harder for them to stop eating them.

They should change the cover now that the arts changed


Wow that's one long ad, kinda dumb plot tho I wouldn't do it personally.

Is she already pregnant at this point? if so, if she gets poisoned baby Luka will die?
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I can't see the mother as anything other then an idiot. She knew she was pregnant, she already had two sons, and the only reasoning we get is that she ran away cause she was scared of her husband's obsession. Okay first of all her decisions to run away hurt her newborn daughter. If she was going to Runaway she should have been smarter about it. Find a job that doesn't require you and your daughter to slave away like seriously unless her family was threatened of smthin I can't see her as anything but idiotic. Please give some back story on this situation. Cause I feel bad for her 2 sons who might have the worst trauma, not only were they abandoned by their mother their father doesn't seem to have given them the time of day. I wouldn't hate them for being mean to the mc seeing as their father is the way he is. Like they'd feel that they weren't enough for their father. I don't see the father directly amusing them, but neglect is a form of abuse.

The art looks so similar to the beginning after the end. Also I love all the characters. Leyla is so cute, I love how it shows her also doing hee best along side the mc even without the blessing. And Drago is so precious I hope that he is someone who isn't petty and becomes friends with the mc.

Cokit created a topic of Gyeongseong Detective Agency

Well if the item was a ring of course it would be difficult for a clasp purse to hold. ALSO the Detective surprised me with those sword stances. Like Patcha^ow

Omgosh I love their chemistry

Someone tell me when the baby is born :v

Cokit created a topic of Husband Replacement

I feel like I'm eating stale cereal ;^;

Cokit created a topic of Mightiest Melee Magician


Cokit created a topic of I Tamed the Crazy Marquis

I had just read the other manga ch.17 so I was confused

I'm not sure how I feel about him inserting himself into the story like that. I was kind of excited to think he was like bihyung from orv.

Cokit created a topic of Pick Me Up

I want little figurines of the characters. rigidon in particular.

Wow Louis is a real turn off. Do you really need a 2nd ml ( ̄へ ̄)