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Kilboii asked a question

guys where can i watch the sasaki to miyano graduation movie i just found out that it came out in japan but I literaly canr find where I can watch with englush subs ╥﹏╥

Kilboii like the answer
Fujoshis in general, but mainly fujoshis who complain and complain about relationships that doesn't contain bxb. Stop complaing. If you didn't make it then dont complain about relationships that you will never experience. Like it's no wonder why most of these ppl are single bcs they wont stop criticing other ppls relationships. Also stop pressuring......
Kilboii asked a question

Hi guys can someone pls reccomend me smth like sasaki to miyano or hirano to kagiura im literally obsessed (expecially the lastest chapter of hirano to kagiura) I rlly want smth similar ╥﹏╥

Kilboii asked a question

PLEASR reccomend me smth like sasaki to miyano or hirano to kagiura im literally obsessed (expecially the new chapter of hirano to kagiura) and I rlly want smth similar ╥﹏╥