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rou asked question about question

despite it being an insanely broad question, i find myself in the need of soul searching. i just lay in my bed and scroll endlessly on every app i frequently use, and honestly it’s so mind numbing to the point where im so bored of life. i’m not special or anything and i don’t think there is any meaning to life, what do u think?

rou followed question about question

Very uh… TMI so u have been warned I’m nowhere near in my life currently that I am considering having kids but in the future I want to but I also wouldn’t mind not having any. The thought of pregnancy seems nice at times but other times horrifying I’m a trans dude so the horrifying part ik is gender dysphoria but I also just like the id......

10 days
rou asked question about question

hiii i’m new to HSR and i needed friends my uid is 601264342

rou asked a question

anything w love triangle? specifically like boy vs girl over liking the mc/another boy.

something similar to Ao no Flag?

rou want to do

6 people did   /   53 want to do

My art is shit

rou asked question about question

this is more recs of main characters like gray yeon, badass feminine looking, underestimated, main characters that are usually set in action manhwa that have absolutely no romance?

rou followed question about question

Hello Do any of you have a bl where the gong/seme/top is reincarnated and the shou/uke/bottom is the villain :)?

22 04,2024
rou followed question about question

Mine would be living in a fantasy world, with royalty/kingdoms and magical powers with sword fighting skills and shit. Pretty casual isekai stuff but I don’t want bitches, I just want to be those powerful old guys who defeated the demon king and lives in a remote area with his grandson and just chills there until some random antagonist kills me a......

08 04,2024
rou asked question about question

Mine would be living in a fantasy world, with royalty/kingdoms and magical powers with sword fighting skills and shit. Pretty casual isekai stuff but I don’t want bitches, I just want to be those powerful old guys who defeated the demon king and lives in a remote area with his grandson and just chills there until some random antagonist kills me a......

rou asked question about procrastination

does anyone else feel like they hate hanging out with friends 75% of the time? they all think i hate when they cancel our plans but i honestly don’t, i love just staying inside and treating myself. like i don’t hate them it’s just that i love myself more

rou like the answer
rou asked question about question

ngl i’ve been in a slump and i didn’t talk to basically anybody (had a meaningful conversation) for a few days feeling kinda cringy from that and im bored af, i wanna eat but ngl all foods are mid asf rn and i don’t want to leave my bed anyway what do you guys do when ur bored i need suggestions cuz video games and lying on my bed ain’t ......

rou asked question about having friends

okay i’m pretty indifferent to many things that my friends do ever since i matured more, but honestly it’s been so stressful especially in HS. idk why but i’m just so tired of having to act a certain way for them to like me, and the moment i stop they tell me they don’t want to be my friend anymore (we “made” up, i sent them a paragra......

rou asked a question

i need something similar to the egotistical aspect of blue lock, it doesn’t have to be football kinda like tomodachi game.

pls someone give recs

rou asked question about question

ok i’m a sucker for action/regression/solo leveling/gates/“S” rank Manhwa, but seriously all of them are so boring. like im pretty invested in SSS class suicide wtv wtv, TOTCF, ORV and SCHTIR, but all of them are pretty unique in their own way (may it be queerbaiting or fandom shipping or just super r interesting plot and a good LN behind all......

rou asked question about question

I hate the feeling of hugs, I am disgusted by skin touching and hugging in general. I feel so repulsed and like throwing up but I push through for the people I love. They always complain that I’m shit at hugging and they seem to think of it as a joke but lately my friends have been over stepping my boundaries.

rou like the experience about bad ends
WHY WOULD YOU POST A PICTURE OF YOUR CHILD ON HERE? I'm starting to think Old women don't know the idea of CHILD PROTECTION. ~Urah (With maybe some influence of Styx? Hard to tell.)
rou asked question about question

hi ok so im in dire need of finding japanese raw websites (free) pls link below

rou like the answer really graphic and sad, made me sick to my stomach at the end art is really interesting here and the story is more psychologically driven one of nishins tamer works but still adequately disturb......
rou did

17 people did   /   3 want to do

yeah my whole group is a mix, but unfortunately im the most extreme out of the bunch so even tho have the same interests it's kinda useless.