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Why skydaddy decided to delete us using global warming as an excuse

I love Japanese bl expressions so cute ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Here I thought Jaekyung was the red flag of the season

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Sketch

They all have similar faces so I keep checking for certain features to tell them apart (/TДT)/

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Jinx

Admit it most of us are Doc Dan shameless simps for hottie boi

I want this to be a BL Kdrama so bad lmao

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Liveta

Main couple gives me too much anxiety like you know shit is about to go sometime but don't know when like impending doom aghhh

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Instant Family

The sex scenes are so hot and none of that no don't that bs when the seme pounding away like consent and respecting boundaries here is chefs kiss