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Beka created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I take back almost everything I said, finally things are cleared up, thank god. I still think they would have talked long ago but is ok.

Now the director is amazing, maybe since my personality is kind of similar I get them, they are just more on the "logic" side she was right about Minato, and even Minato realized he NEEDS to relent his jelousy if he wants to make it work.

TATSUMI X DIRECTOR WHEN, TOP MINATO WHEN, OMG don't come at me woth the "Minato prefeers to bottom" I'd love a bottom Shizuma. "Feral noises"

Beka created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

The thing I absolutely dislike about this manga is that is finished??? I think??? I wanted more!!

Beka created a topic of Return-to-society Punch!!

Reading this gave me a big cultural shock the.firat time, but is really interesting in its own way.
Also, this is about Naoko Takeuchi (Sailor Moon Mangaka) and Togashi (HxH mangaka), watching them in a more "regular person" perspective was both fun and eye opening, Togashi really got lucky with Naoko, she really changed him for the better xD.