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I kinda wish the girl would back off tho. Not ur tryna make the gay straight way but ur making the guy uncomfortable way. Like how do u not see it? Sure he helped u out when u were sad but that doesn’t mean he likes u. So just back off before u do something stupid (like stab him).

Neco-chan created a topic of Off Stage Love Side

As much as I love idols, I very strongly believe they shouldn’t give into parasocial relationships. For example when idols go live there will be chats saying ‘please marry me!’ Or ‘I wanna be ur wife’ kind of bullshit, idols shouldn’t read those message and go ‘sure when should we get married?’ While some of these comments come from innocent fans, some also come from delusional fans, like the chili shrimp lady, who delude reality from fiction. This causes stalking or even death threats because their fantasy isn’t met. Most stalker aren’t always a past resentful partner. U may have smiled at someone on the street or just looked into someone’s eye and they pictured a whole life with u. That’s how most stalking, especially for celebrities/idols start.
I just wish the managing companies would take stricter actions on how they want their idols to interact with their fans. Especially with new debuting idols who r as young as 14 (New Jeans).

Neco-chan created a topic of Off Stage Love Side

Awww Tomoya u baby (/^-^(TT*)/
U r an amazing idol. Don’t think of urself like that just because one bitch can’t differentiate between reality and parasocial relationships. Keep fighting and don’t give up (*^^*)♡

Neco-chan asked question about question

Is anyone else having trouble browsing mangago on safari? Like it works on chrome but I prefer using safari for mangago. The message I’m getting rn is “we’re sorry, the request file are not found. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ” Can someone please help me ((_ _*

Neco-chan want to do

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Is anyone else having trouble browsing mangago on safari? Like it works on chrome but I prefer using safari for mangago

Neco-chan created a topic of Full volume
Neco-chan created a topic of Hanakoi Tsurane

The grandfathers stories were over before it even began. That’s y he’s secretly supporting them cause he knows how it feels to lose someone u love even tho u had the opportunity to be together.

Neco-chan created a topic of Good Work Watase-san

This is a good dynamic. I like this plot. 8/10 recommended.

Neco-chan created a topic of Full volume

Best award of full volume 2024 lmao (ノ>▽<。)ノ

Neco-chan created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

I understand that he is worried but come on dude u also realized u were wrong like bruh????? Ik u think she will exert herself to exhaustion and that ur worried that she’ll faint like last time but seriously riftan there are many other ways u could’ve worded ur concerns but come on. Ik ur a brute but ur also educated to form proper sentences to comfort ur little lady (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Neco-chan created a topic of Keiyaku Cohabitation

Um uploder, I’m just letting u know that chapter 5 pages are all jumbled up with chapter 4 pages and some other manga!

Neco-chan created a topic of Please Bond with Me!
Neco-chan created a topic of Bride of Ignat

Is there anything that this author draws that’s not a masterpiece? The art! The story! The character! God I love this author!!!

A twink acting all shy after one kiss is kinda refreshing lmao

Neco-chan created a topic of Dear Signal

First time I read it, got cavities.
Second time I read it, got more cavities.
Read it again today, got cavities again.

Neco-chan created a topic of Ryou Katakoi no Susume

Wasn’t expecting Kouske to be the uke

Saw this on Amazon so I was kinda excited to read it but I didn’t think it would be with a minor.