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străwberi created a topic of Dr. Player

I dropped this a month ago cs I got bored, I have nothing to read rn so ig ill give this a chance

străwberi created a topic of Muteki no Hito

I have a lot of update notifications so I didn't notice this one but this updated last Feb? a year after the last updated? can't wait for the next year's update lmfao, love this authors works so much

străwberi created a topic of One Outs

Omfg I just absolutely love this authors works, liar game was also 10000/10

străwberi created a topic of One Outs

I've rewatched the anime so many times, it's been like 4 years ever since i discovered this anime and manga but it's still stuck in my head till today. Absolutely loved this anime, this got me really into sports anime but this was the only baseball anime that I didn't get bored of, love tokuchi so fucking much!!!:3

străwberi created a topic of Crush and Burn

I JS FINISHED READING IT (AGAIN) and feels like they're dragging this sm, there were some parts that felt so unnecessary and 69 chapters and that was all the progress? but it's all good ig, makes me more eager and curious for the future chapters

străwberi created a topic of Crush and Burn

Kinda confused sometimes cs i skip some dialogues but it's pretty good and really complex. Idek who i should like, hate and shit

străwberi created a topic of The Boxer

aaaaa third time im rereading this and i honestly wish i could go back in time where i frist discovered and read this, it's so good

NAURRRWAYY idfc what that emo ass dudes reason is for being like that to the mc?? who tf he think he is like why does he just randomly harrases and assault mc like that help idc if this dude have mental problems he for sure is fucked in the head and i do not like him gtfa from mc

străwberi created a topic of Not in Vain

am i the only confused or what

străwberi created a topic of Nerd Project

I don't even know how much I've screamed everytime i see them together on screen

114? Last time i checked there were only 30+ dmn guess it's time to pick it up

străwberi created a topic of Non Zero Sum
străwberi created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Am i supposed to feel something about them after that chapter?

străwberi created a topic of Solo For Two


BRING ME THE QHITE HAIRED DOD RIGHT NOW! gosh if one of those 2 was the one who SA'ed Mathan... I'll be rooting for the dude he saved

străwberi created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Aaaaa i really hate these type of MLs but what can i do? lol. ANW! noah is so fucking pretty for a beta dawg, if i was Ian i would've bagged him immediately and go lalalala but he had to be a big loser man... excited for the chasing arc(I HOPE THERE IS ONE) where the uke is the one who dgaf