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alex-chan's feed

alex-chan created a topic of Pu-jyo and the Beast

I agree about that the age gap it isn’t great and all but I also can’t ignore that the fact is, age gaps have been a huge trope in the manga industry, obviously Japan has a lot of anime/manga with them for so many years that it’s super common and most manganka are encouraged or inspired to make them. I know that now a days the manga industry is trying to divert from that mentality and also in not putting young characters into adult situations but sadly that’s why it was all made in the first placed, but I’m glad that now since there’s more fans of manga out their and it’s expanding the industry and many are put off and concern of these not okay tropes, it’s changing but people shouldn’t be upset you know. I’ve been reading manga since I was barely even a teen, and I’ve read about everything I’m like super desensitized to a lot of it and I’m in my early twenties nothing fazes me, so honestly it doesn’t bother me especially since it’s fictional and I know it’s not okay in the real world. Like my parents have a age gap too, my mom got married at 16 with my dad who was 9 years her junior, so I was born from that type of love so it doesn’t bother me but I’ve made fun of my parents for it. Idk I guess everyone has a way to feel about it (⌒▽⌒)