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Sumer created a topic of To deny the route

Bruh HOW TF do you not hear a horse galloping, a huge ass carriage off it's wobbly wheels, a carriageman shouting ON AN EMPTY road and just stand there?!?
These authors finna do anything atp

Sumer answered question about question
Adding to others' suggestions, sitting in an Indian type toilet or using a seater to raise your knees in a western toilet, gives better position for proper bowel movement. There are also yoga asanas that increase gut and bowel movement, i was taught by my yoga teacher but yt should have some too. Ok that's it!
Sumer answered question about question
Wth?? Is there recording proof or cctv to prove ur innocence? Since ur a good student, take help of the teachers who would believe you
Sumer created a topic of Alice's Adult Storytime

Alice x director seo anyone?
Anyways the stories are good, and the art is so cute cute
Guys are pretty average but it isn't half bad

Sumer answered question about looking for fujos or fudans
I read someone saying it's just the 10 year kid liking the 16 year old one, and the older guy doesn't approve or sexually likes him. If it's like that isn't it an OK series? Or did it start becoming sus
Sumer created a topic of Codename Anastasia

????? Cliffhanger!!! How tf will taejoo live with the poison???

Sumer asked a question

Was mgg cooked a few hours ago for u guys too?

Sumer created a topic of Paljae

"I am not at full strength " a bit too late

Sumer answered question about question
Their replies concern me...straight up crazy keyboard smash. Are u still sane OP?
Sumer answered question about question
Terror in resonance made me bawl like a 3 year old kid And Ring movie series Now I hate psychological horror
Sumer created a topic of To deny the route

??? = down to bone you

Sumer created a topic of Baby Pharmacist Princess

Damn the whole world regressed huh

Sumer answered question about question
"Let's both say sorry and agree to disagree?"
Sumer answered question about have an unpopular opinion
My English comprehension is failing me ;;; The plot is a plot device to bring two mcs together? But, that's what a story is, unless you want the romance part to play a smaller role amidst a more complicated story. That's what the story in any romance does, bring couples closer, introduce characters, end whatever plot began....
Sumer answered question about question
Pretty good since I can read novels for hours then take a short break then back to reading Wait, does that count as good?
Sumer created a topic of Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Lights up my morning fr
Need more of that ship αƒš(Β΄Ϊ‘`αƒš)

Sumer followed question about question

What are some small storage games that are entertaining? I'm getting bored with mine and looking for new ones to download. I'm open for anything, feel free to share your favs!

28 days