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Just a reminder. She was the one in heat, not him. He wasn't in rut that night so he had the ability to control himself. She didn't. All he had to do was not give into temptation. But he didn't.

When he met her again five years later, he was still the one with the upper hand and he chose to threaten his victim instead of beg her for forgiveness and support her properly.

Plus he's a doctor who surely knows what PTSD is and who chose to ignore all of her symptoms and do whatever he wanted.

The guy is trash who still deserves to be held underwater for three hours. After being beaten nearly to death.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

My poor babies. The road to their happiness is long but I'm sure it will be worth all the pain.

This is one of the most realistic depictions of the miscommunication trope I've ever seen. This is happening because both sides are traumatised, not because one or both of them are dumb

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Missing Love

It's the kind of story you never forget completely.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

To request for a school violence committee to be opened after that boy threw his phone at her head. From Haesol's answer, it seems like they even told her to make sure they wouldn't get called to the school because of it.

You all really think they'd bother to organise therapy sessions for her? And pay for it?

Yeah. No.

That doesn't make me wish the alpha would fall down the steps, break all his teeth, and have a car run over with his hands any less. He deserves so much worse.

And I'm so glad the art has improved from The Palace of Bardo. Those mouths were terrifying sometimes .

BrokenEchoes created a topic of For Your Love

When he decided to date someone as inexpressive as Mugyeong. It's not right to expect your partner to change who they are and suddenly become all lovey dovey just because you have anxiety/jealousy/obsession issues.

On another note, I really love how the artist draws their expressions, especially when the three of them see each other. It's hilarious.

If the beta had feelings for a paedophile, would that mean the paedophile is better than the omega?

No. Anyone who thinks otherwise is monumentally stupid and clearly effed up in the head.

The omega is going to hurt the beta emotionally when he finds out he was drugged and I honestly hate him for that.

But the alpha hurt the beta physically, emotionally, and mentally, multiple times, and still has the audacity to wonder what he's done wrong. He knotted the beta and pushed into him even more when the beta fainted from all the rape. He doesn't give a crap about the beta being in pain and even dreamed about raping him again recently.

Alpha stans, seriously, what the heck is wrong with you? Get some help.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Mad Dog

Some of you don't know the difference between rough consensual sex and rape, and it shows

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Acanthus

In a place where he's supposed to be secretly recording and gathering evidence?

We need more webtoon artists to realise how sexy consent, respect, and foreplay are.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

For not saying she likes Yeonwoo ... There's this thing some mature people do. It's called thinking before you answer and taking care not to lie to other people just to make things seem fine. Lying is usually very disrespectful, though most people make it seem like it's nothing.

She clearly likes him but she doesn't seem to know what the feeling is, especially in a romantic sense. It would have been worse if she had told him yes when she wasn't sure if it herself. Some people are naturally not very in touch with their feelings, and there's nothing wrong with that, but I'm sure her past has a lot to do with it too.

I still feel sorry for Yeonwoo, of course. I feel sorry for both of them. But maybe try to hold off on the judgement until you see how she ended up like that in the first place.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of For Your Love

Even the positive ones. That's not easy for everyone, you know . It's awkward and embarrassing. Give poor Mugyeong a break.

The only thing I don't agree with is him answering that guy's calls all the time, especially when text messages are a thing. He's being dumb about that to be fair. But Yohan is way too possessive/clingy. After seven years he should know what his boyfriend's personality is like and shouldn't expect him to change himself just to suit his own needs.

Love his duality. The story and the art is great too. Proof that you can make an amazing webtoon without filling it with unnecessary smut scenes.

BrokenEchoes created a topic of 19 Days

Is so cute I'm going to die