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oh my god an army of followers whos babies hes gonna raise

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i saved this because LOOK AT THTA GYATT

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I just think its really heartbreaking and interesting how Dokja's entire world-view on his mother is shattered in this moment.

He believed his mom to be selfish and hated her his whole life for the bullying he endured and the betrayal he felt when she sold their 'life' and story for money. But she was just protecting him the whole time.

As a 29 year old he finally figured out what the truth was and so of course he's distraught, he hated his mom for seemingly no reason

But its okay that he hated her he had a right she kept the real information from him and he still indeed suffered because of that

Genuinely I love Lee sookyung , she's just a boss ass bitch and her devotion to her son doesn't even stop after this plot point since there's so much more she is apart of.

if he wasn't so repulsive this might've been cute if the story was completely different

I dont know who the author is but I wouldn't be surprised if this was a self-fulfilling fantasy cuz this story is crazzyyy for what it is fat ass slob who only cares about his wife's virginity even though they were perfectly happy before

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After getting his sister devoured by a dragon and losing all their supplies in a failed dungeon raid...

  • Author: KUI Ryoko
  • Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Seinen
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damn bro HAHAHAHA

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lowkey not even lying might drop this manhwa because his dick is too big ew

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