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Where is any attempt to break the isekai villainess mold?? i know it sells but its actually gross how predictable everything is nowadays with these stories. theyre all the same plot with different hair-colored people. what pains me the most is the family trope where they neglect one child so bad, treat them like shit all the way and then switch up later when they become a whole new person idk why these stories love this trope because it rly sends a bad msg. the adoptive family in this story boils my blood so bad, and i can sense the storys subtle ways of attempting to sway the reader to forgive them because theyre caring abt the fl now.

one particular scene that was so jarring was when they show the duchess coldly staring the the child fl’s sickly shivering crying body making no attempt to help AND THEN the next scene is them talking in the garden about poisons and shes smiling at the FL because shes like“woahh…shes smart and competent…now its okay to show her i care about her!” hello?? and the dad neglecting her and then being like “you can call me dad” Boi bye…stick to raising sons. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH HER BROTHERS BRO

she reminds me of saitama and his nonchalance regarding his impossible strength LOL maybe thats why i enjoy this story. i wanna see her go against some really strong tho

gambatte… created a topic of Burly man short story

The second one was giving very much “i like them exotic and muscly

gambatte… created a topic of Guardians Of The Lamb

man i just want hari to be happy. moogil is still eeh err to me after knowing about his past (i know his childhood is foul and terrible. we cant deny the things hes done tho, hes not a baby) regardless, both of them have gone through so much already, i just want them to escape to a far away island and be happy

The romance is kinda annoying, i was looking forward to a more growth focused kinda story but its fine


I feel for his character, i really do. Its unfortunate how tragic his path is, but i do agree that it was the right decision to separate from him. His obsession was growing crazy fast and it wouldve been bad for everyone i just wish our girl at least tried an option where she could be there for him and lead him to a better path, but at the same time, considering how shes literally being kept in prison, id do anything to escape. it did hurt to see him get stabbed in the eye, that was like the most vulnerable ive seen him

tbf she was kind of absolutely unbearable at the beginning, but i chalked it up to her thinking shes still in a game and treating everything and everyone like they werent teal. i just couldnt help but cringe at all the abuse she would throw around everywhere, especially during that angel part (because gurl, you pressed yes on ur own volition! ) however, im glad i stuck around because she develops as a person and its nice to see. shes still very abrasive and honestly, i had to reflect if i was just being mysoginistic and unconsciously hating on a woman for being too brash and violent, but i realized that no, she is just really violent and if i saw a male mc do the things she did, id also cringe. thankfully she tones down as she connects more with her new world and the people in it, and shes honestly a really great person. shes honest to a fault, and knows when to admit that she doesnt know what to do. shes very authentic, tho i do find hef doting on the female elf a bit too much sometimes. she used to treat her like a pet but im glad that in the recent chapters, she begins to push the elf out of her comfort zone and challenge her magic so she can grow

gambatte… created a topic of I Don't Want to Work!

i hate this trend of emotionally neglectful failed fathers in these stories. their wives always die or smthn and all of a sudden they become bad fathers?? like WTF is wrong with you, STEP UP. its so weird to me because they almost always get redemption arcs and some ppl dont even bat an eye because theyre drawn attractive. give this man a beer belly and a green stench cloud and ppl would riot. dropping this story because i think were heading for the redemption arc.

if your children literally think you hate them, you should not be a parent.

romance is cute but i found myself skipping through them because the plot anf sisterly boding chapters were jsut SO MUCH BETTER. not to say i dont like the main couple, i just prefer seeing fleta and cezarres relationshio grow

Why does this story piss me off, like its not bad but as i read it, everything abt it makes me mad

ill try not to get any spoilers into this, but its abt a girl who wakes up into a otome version of her hs and shes forced to capture love targets to hypothetically move on and stop looping. however, what i like about this story is that it actually focuses on the interactions of the mc between the capture targets as she comes to the realization that these are real people with real feelings and personal stories. its pretty realistic bc personally i would also have a hard time seeing people past big screen choices and favorability meters. like who wouldnt focus on that little heart going up and down?!! every character is well-written id say and the mc is a favorite of mine. shes relatable but i also admire her strength to keep pushing forward past all the guilt, confusion, and grief.

i rarely get to enjoy these types of stories because they’re never female mcs pls i need MORE….