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OiOiOi want to do ( All 1 )

about happiness

OiOiOi's experience ( All 0 )

OiOiOi's answer ( All 1 )

about question
1. That's kind of a shitty thing to do 2. Eh that's fine 3. Grammar can be worked on, you also seem to be pretty young from your other points. 4. There are worse ships out there 5. EXCUSE ME??? There is no sane explanation why someone would like Boku No Pico 6. Not sure how that quite ties into each other but sure, also yeah I got that vibe from ......   reply
16 07,2021

OiOiOi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

when i think of how much money ive spent on tickets in 23/24, a tear trickles out </3

3 hours
did ate with chopsticks

TBH I didn't find eating with chopsticks very hard when I was little I'd try to pick things up with a pair of sticks or pens and so on

4 hours
did going to concerts

Ateez, Coldplay, Dua Lipa and Harry Styles

7 hours