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yf9292 like topic of Jinx

*also, this manwha is a work of fiction! you can enjoy fiction without having to justify what's happening in it or why you enjoy it! however you can't take something in fiction and try and justify why it would be okay in reality, with real people!*

non-consensual sex is rape or sexual assault - consent is an enthusiastic and ongoing "yes" from both parties throughout the duration of intimacy.

there are a few scenes that are explicitly rape in this manwha (e.g. the gym shower scene) , and others that come under the category of sexual assault (e.g. jaekyung getting choi heesung over to the apartment to see Dan without Dan's consent).

Consent also has to be voluntary - when you introduce financial dependence/obligation/contracts, the waters are muddied. because even if the participant appears to be enthusiastic and willing, it's difficult to discern if that's genuine, or due to the threat of financial instability if they don't comply. Consent that is coerced in this way, or in any other manner (physical/emotional manipulation) is invalid).

consent is an enthusiastic yes - a no is a no, and should require the other partner to stop and assess the situation. unless you've agreed beforehand on a safeword/signal/colour system that indicates when to stop, neither party should progress past a no without immediately stopping and checking in.

consent is ongoing - a yes to one act at the beginning isn't a blanket yes. because someone wants to do X doesn't men they automatically want to do Y. continuing to do Y without checking for their confirmation isn't okay.

#-.-) now how'd I accidentally dislike my own post... smh

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

*also, this manwha is a work of fiction! you can enjoy fiction without having to justify what's happening in it or why you enjoy it! however you can't take something in fiction and try and justify why it would be okay in reality, with real people!*

non-consensual sex is rape or sexual assault - consent is an enthusiastic and ongoing "yes" from both parties throughout the duration of intimacy.

there are a few scenes that are explicitly rape in this manwha (e.g. the gym shower scene) , and others that come under the category of sexual assault (e.g. jaekyung getting choi heesung over to the apartment to see Dan without Dan's consent).

Consent also has to be voluntary - when you introduce financial dependence/obligation/contracts, the waters are muddied. because even if the participant appears to be enthusiastic and willing, it's difficult to discern if that's genuine, or due to the threat of financial instability if they don't comply. Consent that is coerced in this way, or in any other manner (physical/emotional manipulation) is invalid).

consent is an enthusiastic yes - a no is a no, and should require the other partner to stop and assess the situation. unless you've agreed beforehand on a safeword/signal/colour system that indicates when to stop, neither party should progress past a no without immediately stopping and checking in.

consent is ongoing - a yes to one act at the beginning isn't a blanket yes. because someone wants to do X doesn't men they automatically want to do Y. continuing to do Y without checking for their confirmation isn't okay.

#-.-) now how'd I accidentally dislike my own post... smh

yf9292 created a topic of Man's Best Boyfriend

I see why he hates the director now!! that fuck face robbed YEARS of his life just to stop that recording getting out... no wonder he lost his mind when he was stuck out there for so long

yf9292 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

the morphing dick at the end was the final straw, shape shifting shafts was truly not what I thought this flashback would contain

yf9292 created a topic of Full volume

also that size portion of rice is truly the way to my heart omg

yf9292 created a topic of Under the Green Light

Matthew and Brandon... lemme see the tape

yf9292 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

it's pure talent to have the comment section losing our minds over a single sentence!! mr kwon you better MAKE TIME TONIGHT

yf9292 created a topic of Our Sunny Days


yf9292 created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the way these two look at each other??? that smut scene is gonna be summat else

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

so I don't pay attention to mangago's tags when choosing to read something, but wow i understand why ppl feel misled! idek why romance is in there, there's not one drop of that in this, and I think psychological and comedy should absolutely be in the tags.

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan posseses a single brain cell and he left it in Korea w his grandma he's the very definition of dickmatised

yf9292 created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

we already lost agni, I can't go through this againnnn

yf9292 created a topic of Circle (Wang Zi Ying)

fucking hell, I barely remember the plot, thank God its back!

yf9292 created a topic of Love and Roll

double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon??

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

the panel of jaekyung looking incredibly panicked + confused when dan tried to kiss him SENT ME representation at last

(no but i hope piss kink boy finds out dan was drugged and fucks his opponent up!! )

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

I completely understand that it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea - every piece of media isn't gonna be for everyone, but I really don't think it's a bad story in and of itself.

aside from a complete and total lack of lube at times, nothing so far seems out of place within the confines of this story. jaekyung is a brash and bullying yet self-deprecating and isolated figure who's risen to the top of his sport through sheer aggression and perseverance. dan is a tenacious, immensely skilled hardworker with a history of exploitation (sexual, financial, and physical) violence, and a clear fear of abandonment (i think he's a orphan? idk but he grew up poor with only his gran). Nothing Dan has, has ever been handed to him, he's had to work and struggle for a pittance.

you put these two into a world where money is king, and so the power dynamics are entirely imbalanced in favour of jaekyung. and yet, both characters are actually dependent on each other, although one party (jaekyung lmao) refuses to acknowledge that.

then you throw jealousy, lust and love into the pot???? fucking hell, what a banging mix! not only does the author (imo) brilliantly explore the socioeconomic differences between the two, and how that affects their relationship, but they also show how these two change each other.

is a lot of this explored through dark, grim, and non-consensual means? absolutely! and if that's not your cuppa tea, that's so understandable!

yf9292 created a topic of The Origin of Species

literally just select and enlarge, I'm begging you

that was such a bittersweet ending, gonna tell myself that the main story is a reincarnation fix-it story

yf9292 created a topic of Jinx

someone's tryna sabotage j, I wonder who it is??? Dan is actually my bby, nothing had better happen to him!